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Happy 4th Anniversary!

Whoo hoo! It’s the 4th Anniversary of this Free Motion Quilting Project!

It’s crazy to think we’ve been stitching and learning together for 4 years! Sometimes it feels like I’ve been doing this much longer, and sometimes it feels like I’ve just gotten started. Either way, I’m so unbelievably happy that I started this project back in 2009 and began sharing filler designs with all of you.

And YOU! You guys are so awesome! I don’t think I would be blogging today if it wasn’t for the amazing support of so many wonderful quilters.

Whether you’ve watched videos, commented, shared the project with your friends, picked up something from the Quilt Shop, bought a class from Craftsy – no matter how you have done it, you all have supported this project in some way!

So I have a lot of announcements to make today! Many things have been in the works for several months and it’s finally time to share all the juicy details. Let’s get started with this special video:

Yes, it’s time to officially announce the launch of our new website: www.LeahDay.com!

free motion quilting | Leah Day

This website has been in the works for several months. We’ve built a site that is now much easier to find what you’re looking for and get what you need.

To celebrate the 4th Anniversary of the project and the grand opening of this new quilt shop, we have a special Coupon Code: HAPPY4TH that will take 15% off your order. This offer is only good until 8/18/2013 so make sure to give it a try today!

Also launching today is our latest DVD Free Motion Quilting from Flames to Feathers. This two hour DVD features 33 designs stitched out in a real quilt.

free motion quilting | Leah Day

The Squares and Sashing Quilt Pattern is included with the DVD so you can piece your quilt top easily, but you can also find a printed Spoonflower Panel if you’re looking for a speedier way to get started.

free motion quilting | Leah Day

Another thing we’ve recently changed is the book Free Motion Quilting From Feathers to Flames. We needed to re-print this book earlier this spring and decided to make some changes to the layout and pictures so the book can be an even better resource for free motion quilting.

Fundamentally this is still the same book as the original with the same designs, but we’ve switched to red coil binding, a professionally designed cover, and updated color-coded pages so you can find the chapter you’re interested in much faster.

Both the book and DVD are designed for any skill level beyond super beginner. If you are just starting out and unsure of even how to put a darning foot on your machine, Free Motion Basics for Beginners might be a better fit. Once you’re through that basic setup phase, however, branching out with new designs and quilting real quilts is the way you’re going to gain serious skill in a short space of time.

And one last announcement: both this book and new DVD have been combined in the Fun Combo Kit! Save money when you get both the inspirational book and how-to DVD in one set.

Whew! This has certainly been a lot to get together, but it feels good to release it all today. Again, I sincerely thank you for being here, for reading, for watching videos, posting comments, participating in the weekly Quilt Along, and for sharing this project with your friends.

Here’s to the four years we’ve shared, and here’s to many, many more to come!

Let’s go quilt,

Leah Day


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

9 Responses

  1. Joni says:

    Happy Anniversary! You have definitely enriched my life, and the lives of meany others. Thank you!
    I look forward to the future.

    The new backdrop looks wonderful!

  2. Happy 4th blogoversary! You have come so far in four years and taught so many people so many new things about quilting.

    Thank you so much for all you do. Your generous sharing heart have changed the quilting community forever.

  3. sewandsow says:

    I really like the new look of the quilt shop. You have been an inspiration to me. Thanks for all you do for us quilters. Happy Anniversary!

  4. Karin says:

    Congratulations Leah…what an achievement! And yes, thank you very much for sharing your skills with the rest of the world. I was looking at the book about feathers…would it be possible to build in a preview of a couple of pages? I would find this useful…maybe it's there somewhere and I missed it. Anyway..Happy Anniversary

  5. Anonymous says:

    It's true what they say 'work at what you love and success will follow!' and I think you truly deserve it. Thank you so much for all your time and effort. You make me want to try harder.

  6. Laura says:

    congrats! I'm going to hop on over and take a look at the new site 🙂

  7. Anonymous says:

    Happy Anniversary, and a big Congratulations on the new website. I meant to take a quick look, but I think I was on the site for about an hour! The new website is great, and I'll be back to it soon to look some more.

  8. Happy anniversary and congrats on the opening of your new store!!

  9. Heidi says:

    Happy Happy Anniversary! I love the new background. She is beautiful.

    Thank you so much for inspiring me to start my journey in free motion quilting. You encouraged me to release my inner creative child.

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