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A Few Fun Places to Check Out

I follow a lot of different blogs and check in on most of them daily. Reading about other quilters or crafters brings such a joy to my life!

I feel less alone as a twenty something quilter when I read Generation X or check out a project from Freshly Pieced. These girls make me feel a bit less like a freak for wanting to spend more time quilting than bar hopping (which is what girls my age are typically doing I think).

For most of my life I’ve been told I was boring or weird for wanting to knit in class, or buy jeans from Goodwill I could alter to make more interesting. Finding so many like minded women just makes me happy!

I also stumble across blogs that are written by women on a journey and willing to share their journey as I do occasionally. Today I found a wonderful article on Beadlust that perfectly describes my struggles with spirituality and religion, addiction, and self love.

Of course, I do get emailed pretty often with sites to check out and blogs to read.

I was recently pointed to Jelly Roll Quilters, a site for quilters who just like to make quilts from jelly rolls! I really enjoyed the video created by Missouri Star Quilt Co. to make the Summer in the Park quilt. It’s easy, fast and creates a gorgeous quilt!

I was also introduced to Betterfly.com which is a site where teachers can list themselves and their local classes or services.

Already so many quilting teachers have listed themselves, they’ve created a widget just for us! If you’re looking for a quilting teacher in your area, or if you are a quilting teacher looking to get more traffic, check out this site and get yourself listed!

I also read blogs that aren’t about quilting, or really anything to do with crafting. Advanced Riskology is a blog about taking more risks to live a happier life.

While this might sound weird (more risk equals happiness), the author, Tyler, explains that the biggest risk he ever took with his life is going down a normal, safe path, and then getting laid off. He risked his happiness by following the crowd, and when he lost his job decided to make a big change for the better.

I’m pretty familiar with this sort of risk. I took a leap when I dropped out of college because I knew a degree wasn’t going to fit with my goals for the future. If anything the student loans I was amassing would have held me back.

I took another risk when I decided to focus entirely on quilting in 2009. At the time, it was a scary proposition with a 2 year old, a big mortgage, and a shaky economy.

Looking back now, I truly believe that following your passion is the LEAST risky thing you can do. Even if it doesn’t work perfectly, at least you’ll be happier and living the way you want.

I hope you enjoy these websites and blogs as much as I do!

Let’s go quilt,



Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

10 Responses

  1. Ann Marie says:

    you are doing a wonderful job, keep doing what you like to best, and more and more people will follow you in your footsteps. You have chosen to lead instead of follow, give yourself a huge WhoopWhoop!!! Remember age is only a number, and all the barhoppers, will be long gone while you are still quilting away, living life to the fullest!

  2. Anonymous says:

    thanks for the blogs and websites
    greetings Judith

  3. Nina-Marie says:

    Leah – just want to say – been there – done that – I started quilting when I was 25 – after cross stitching all my life. Always was the freak! Its nice that you have an online community to connect with. But I want to say – at 45 – I'm finally aging into the group – and its amazing. I see seniors doing amazing work and I think – wow- 70 isn't looking too bad LOL!

  4. AnneMarie says:

    Thanks for the mention Leah! I completely agree…finding other bloggers makes me feel like I don't sew alone in my basement anymore!

  5. ann says:

    Thanks Leah,
    You are far ahead of the num-nuts who are bar hopping.

    I write about my Journey at


    When I started the blog, no one was talking about The Journey. Now, more and more are speaking in these terms.

  6. I have just recently found your blog — so first I want to thank you for taking the time to share all of the information. In response to this post, you are correct that it is difficult to not follow the crowd when you are young — but as you get older and look back you will see how wise you were to follow your happiness instead.

    Linda 🙂

  7. Trish says:

    Hi Leah–I just stumbled on your blog the other day when I was YouTube surfing for Janome 7700–my new machine. While I've been sewing for several years, I'm finally ready to take the plunge into free motion quilting and you have given me the courage to get practicing. I tried to find information about whether you are a first generation quilter or if someone taught you how to quilt? I'm having to teach myself and what a great resource the Internet is, but at 29 years old I can totally relate to feeling a little out of place in the quilting world! I keep wishing there were girls my age locally that I could share this hobby with.

    Anyway, Just wanted to say hi and thank you for the inspiration!

  8. Cheryl says:

    I'm with Nina-Marie. When I was the 20-something quilter in my group, it was so isolating. Now I'm the 30-something quilter, I'm still the "young-un". Finding people online to connect with was so freeing! We're out here! But think about how amazing we will be when we are the "average" quilter's ages… ha ha.

  9. Leah Day says:

    Trish – No, I'm not a first gen quilter (my great grandmothers quilted), but no one in my family was quilting by the time I was ready to learn. So it was a combination of teaching myself and seeking out workshops in my area (this was before youtube was so popular!)

    My best advice is to join a local guild if you can find one. Active guilds have workshops every couple months (good ones have then every month) and this will connect you with the right teachers, even if they are just other guild members.

    I learned some of the most amazing techniques just watching show and tell!

    I am working on a redesign of the site with an About Me page, so I'll make sure to include this too!



  10. cmicha1460 says:

    This was an exceptional post … love the honesty. Keep up the momentum and creativity

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