Fit Your Free Motion Quilting Foot to Your Sewing Machine


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

37 Responses

  1. debbie says:

    Leah, I have a question not a comment.
    Do you ever use the Presser Foot Pressure Adjustment to fine tune the pressure of the foot on your quilt sandwich? In normal sewing, I'm sure you know, it is adjusted according to how thick the fabric is that is being sewn. I usually put mine to zero or a low number. Since you have so much more experience FMQing I am curious of your experience on this aspect of the equation.
    Thanks for your help…in all things FMQ.

    • Deborah Kunkel says:

      Dear Leah, Several of your comments say, “If you feel like the foot is setting up too high, adjust the pressure to bring the foot lower. If the foot is feeling too low, loosen the pressure the machine is putting on the foot to lift it a bit.” HOW? Please explain how to adjust the pressure of the foot. I have tried moving the screw one way, then the other, but can’t tell the difference. I feel that the foot is dragging a bit over the quilt. I do have the feed dogs down. Thanks for your help!

  2. I have a Viking Designer I & I use their open toe stippling foot — which is very similar to the broken clear foot you're using — but it gave way too much play & kept breaking the thread. It took me a while to figure out to leave the feed dogs up & lower the pressure number on the foot by 2. I have another Designer I & it needs the same treatment. I guess you have to learn your machine & not be afraid to make adjustments. Thanks for spreading the love on FMQ-ing!!

  3. Leah Day says:

    Virginia – ABSOLUTELY! The key is just not being afraid to make adjustments, to try new things, and see what works best.

    Debbie – If your machine has that dial, by all means use it!

    Not all machines have a pressure adjustment knob, but it is certainly helpful when they do.

    If you feel like the foot is setting up too high, adjust the pressure to bring the foot lower. If the foot is feeling too low, loosen the pressure the machine is putting on the foot to lift it a bit.

    I do like it when a machine has that adjustment, but not all do. With this foot and the rubber band adjustment, you can fine tune the foot without having to change anything on your machine.

    Let's go quilt,


  4. Monica says:

    I have a Janome MP 6600. Great machine, but your darning foot modification does not work at all on it.
    I bought the generic high shank foot, but the needle sits so far back, that it hits the back of the foot, and there's no adjustment for that. So I modified my Janome foot as per your video. Problem is, as soon as there is low enough pressure on the foot to be able to glide the fabric as you show, the top thread will not engage the bobbin thread – I end up with an unholy tangle. No adjustments other than increasing foot pressure to the point of too much resistance seem to work. So I clipped the foot more open but returned everything back to the original.

    I have found not dropping the feed dogs and decreasing the foot pressure via the dial to work well. Also am experimenting with INCREASING the stitch length rather than setting it to zero – seems to work well.

    Bottom line is that this modification might not work on all machines.


  5. Leah Day says:

    Monica – As with all things with free motion quilting, I teach my method, I teach what works 99% of the time in classes and from students online, but no, it's not going to work for absolutely everyone.

    It's good to know that your Janome 6600 is having this issue. I would recommend seeing if you can get the QBH foot that comes with the 7700 as this is one awesome foot that is excellent for free motion quilting.

    And of course, anyone with a Bernina already has access to a fantastic foot (the open toe darning foot).

    Not all machine manufactures have feet like the Janome or Bernina feet so this tutorial was to show what to do in those situations. I hope that helps!



  6. shilsenbeck says:

    Leah — Thanks for sharing. I use a Janome and also use the presser foot pressure control to fine tune. I have also just started using a metal darning foot (very small open toe) that does not hop and has an adjustment knob that does what your rubber bands do. The bottom part is exchangeable. The other two 'bottoms' are a large flat plastic foot that is useful for gliding over bumps (embroidery, etc) and a closed toe small metal loop (not sure what that is good for).

    Maybe you can comment on the following: with the presser foot pressure set to near 0, my traditional 'hoppy' quilting foot (open toe), just gently kisses the surface of the quilt on the down stroke and seems helpful in synchronizing my hand movement and the stitching (adds just a bit of resistance when the needle is coming down). I see better with the non-hoppy foot mentioned above, but am having a harder time getting even stitches, and I'm finding that adjustment is touchier — a little too little distance and there is too much drag; a little too much distance and the stitch quality is not good. This is especially challenging when there are places with more seams. I work really hard to control seam bulk (even to the point of clipping, so part of a seam can go one way and part can go the other, or ironing open), but sometimes some extra thickness is inevitable and my fine-tuned non-hoppy foot doesn't clear. Any thoughts?

  7. Leah Day says:

    Hi Shilsenbeck – Maybe try increasing the pressure of the foot, then adjusting the foot itself depending on the height of the quilt you're quilting?

    When it comes to seams, that is always tricky. I had a machine once that broke thread every time I stitched over a seam. Talk about annoying!

    The best thing to do is just keep working at it, keep adjusting and trying new things with your machine. You never know what might work so keep playing with it until you find the right combination of settings.

    Good luck!


  8. Amanda says:

    O.M.G. Thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. I hate that frigging foot SO MUCH! I have been attempting to do free motion on and off over the last few years that I've been quilting and hated every single minute of the experience for those exact reasons – couldn't see where I was going and the damn thing jumping maniacally up and down all over my quilt. Up until today I thought it was just a case of PEBMAC (problem exists between machine and chair)!!!! Thank you!!!

  9. MB says:

    So…once the foot is no longer "hopping", and a good chunk of the toe is cut open, what is the foot actually doing? Is there some reason to use this foot rather than something like an open toe embroidery foot?

    I'll admit, I haven't tried any FMQ yet, but I just bought a foot and am going to start practicing.

  10. adnohr says:

    have you ever tried the foot that looks like a coil or spring?

  11. Leah Day says:

    Adnohr – I'm not familiar with a spring foot, but I have tried spring needles. I found them tricky to work with because the spring was mostly in my vision. I also experienced some skipping stitches, but it's worth trying it for yourself.

    I hope that helps!


  12. PrettyMade says:

    Leah, let me just say I love your lessons… 🙂 I'm a beginner at FMQ, but I'm lucky enough to have an Open Toe Free Motion Foot for my Pfaff Smarter 1100Pro. I think it works great so far, but my mind might well change when I learn more… However, it's wonderful to have a resource like this to go to since quilting here in Finland is not a "big thing"… At least not yet! So keep up the brilliant work! 🙂

  13. Alli says:

    This is a wonderful tip — thanks so much! I just adjusted my fmq foot, and it's so much easier to use now. :):):)

  14. emedoodle says:

    I know this is an old post… but just in case you get automatic comment emails — I wanted to tell you that I'm really excited to see your rubberband trick for the FMQ foot – I was FMQing a few days ago – going so fast just cruising along, and that hook fell out of the FMQ foot! It wiggles loose every few minutes, that rubber band trick will surely fix it! 🙂 Thanks for saving me from having to buy a new FMQ foot!

  15. City/Sandie says:

    Just followed your video to alter my FM foot .. wow .. who would have thought it could be that easy – my practice piece just went from frumpy to fine … thank you …

  16. Imzadi says:

    Thank YOU! I bought a machine off eBay which I didn't get to test out first. I had such an old machine before buying this one that I never knew there were machines in which the presser foot could NOT be manually adjusted. Of all things to leave OFF a machine! I live up north, so most of my clothes are on the thick or bulky side. I have thought about ways to drill a hole in the top of my machine to try to adjust the shaft of the presser foot that is way too tight for all but the thinnest fabrics I work with. I also wondered if there was a way to adjust a free motion foot to be less tension. Thank you for this fix!

  17. Leisel says:

    Thank you! The FMQ teacher at my quilt shop was blaming all the breakage on the quality of my thread, but then it even did it when I tried with Aurifil, and I was completely frustrated because I didn't have any other ideas. I have always wanted my foot closer to the material, anyways… it just seems like it's too easy to move it, so it would dart too much, and that some bit of drag would help me move things more smoothly.

  18. Totally off subject, but Leah, is your mother's name Ginger by any chance??? Have looked for her for years….

  19. Leah Day says:

    Nope! Sorry, you've found the wrong Leah Day!

  20. Katie says:

    Oh My Goodness! I saw this video a few months ago and thought, "It can't possibly be that simple to make my darning foot work properly. There must be something seriously wrong here, and I'm going to have to buy an expensive foot if I ever want to learn to free motion quilt."

    I finally decided to give this a go today. I held my breath, bent that wire, cut open that toe, and wrapped a rubber band around the top. It is like night and day. I can finally start practicing my free motion skills!!!!!

    Thanks, Leah!!

  21. foxe1972 says:

    i just bought an ECHO foot for my machine and have no idea how to use it or what the lines mean – could you please explain it to me – Ive looked on the internet but have found nothing-thanks Eileen

  22. Good Morning Leah, I've not read the comments, but wanted to add my 'two cents worth'! I finally got brave enough to take my darning foot/quilting foot and do as your tutorial suggested (my old 14 yr old Janome; can't do that with my 40+ yr old Bernina, it does not have the bar nor the spring visible), along with pinches and a puncture, so need to be very careful when changing your foot!!! But it is worth every pinch and puncture. I could not believe the difference it makes when practicing Free Motion Quilting. I love it!!! I had to 'lay my bar down flat after bending' because my foot would not fit back on the machine. Also the rubber band is a necessary 'tool' in getting your presser foot at the correct height for your material/quilt. Can't express my gratitude for your suggestion/instruction on this issue! So much easier to Free Motion Quilt!
    Now a couple of questions, please! 1) I left my feed dogs in the up position, my stitch length at 0, stitch width at 0, started out with tension at 4 (wrong!!!!) went to 6, then 7, then 8 and I'm still having those 'eyelashes' in certain areas, can you help me understand a little better about that? I will go to 9 in the upper tension (that is my highest point); 2) I noticed in your Free Motion Videos that you practice blocks look really stiff. How do you get such…..starching? If so, liquid or spray? Thanks again for all your tutorials! They are great!

  23. Lory Keranen says:

    OMG – I thought I was just too stupid to FMQ until I saw this! I followed your instructions and it worked like a charm…. Thank you!!!

  24. Flower girl says:

    I have just bought a Pfaff Quilt expression. I was having terrible problems and had to return the machine. It now works perfectly and even the sensormatic foot works. I learned through a blog that reducing the pressure on the foot has an effect. I take mine down to -3 and it works great. Because it doesnt jump about now I can see what I am doing. The only problem I have now is ME!! LOL

  25. Do not remove the plastic in your free motion presser foot. I did and my machine just would not work- skipped stitches and broke thread – I had to purchase another one for $49 plus had a shop servicing fee for $79. I have a BabyLock (same as Brother)

  26. Leah Day says:

    Skipping can happen when your foot is adjusted too high for your machine, but not when the plastic is removed. Are you sure you had the foot set in the down position? It's very easy to forget to drop your foot for free motion quilting and that can cause a lot of issues for your machine.

  27. I tried everything, changing thread, needles, settings for pressure, tension in all directions.Differing battings and sandwiches. After buying the unaltered new foot worked fine. I don't like the obstructed view it gives but evidently my machine needs it. Also the "generic" feet do not fit this brand!

  28. Tina Wemyss says:

    I finally got my husband to snip the bits off and I sandpapered it smooth and wow, the difference! I can see what I am doing! Thank you so much!!!

  29. Maggie says:

    Hi Leah,

    I have a Janome HD 1000 and am using a babylock fmq foot ("Hopping" with plastic clear round toe). When I stop, both the needle AND THE FOOT rise above the fabric, messing up my work. This is frustrating, since this is my first day of fmq. Can I be doing something to help the foot stay on my work?

    I will go now and apply the rubber band tension tip, and cut open and sand the toe. And will use my extra pieces to make a fmq sampler.

    Until then, can you advise me how keep my FOOT in the down position when I stop work? (I know needle wont.) Thanks ever.

  30. Leah Day says:

    Great question! The HD 1000 doesn't have an automatic needle down setting so you will need to reach over and rotate the hand wheel when you stop. As the needle drops back down into the fabric, the foot will lower as well if it's hopping.

    It will take some practice, but you'll just have to get into the habit of turning that hand wheel. I learned how to quilt on an old Bernina Record 830 and had to rotate the needle down every time.

    As for the foot staying down, that should be fixed if you break the foot and bend back the top bar. Then the bar won't be hitting the needle bar and won't stay lifted no matter what the needle position is. I hope that makes sense!

  31. Maggie says:

    Thanks Leah, it was encouraging to know I was on the right track, as I really was taking by surprise at all the obstacles at just beginning. Have cut and sanded the toe, and applied rubber band to foot. Will try again after work today!

  32. Granny says:

    Here I am; another jonnie-come-lately to this older post, but I hope you see this Leah because I owe you a debt of gratitude.

    I used to think that it was just my senior eyes that made FMQ difficult. Some while back when I was first learning to FMQ I had ALOT of trouble. Then one day (out of desperation), I attached my non-hopping darning foot which was the last of the FMQ/darning type feet that I owned. It's not an open toe but it is quite small and round which allows me to see where I'm going. Suddenly, I could FMQ with ease!!!! I was thrilled but still wished it was an open toe. Now having seen your video, I'm going to modify one of the other hopping FMQ feet that came with my machine. It's metal, but not thick metal. It's delicate with a wide opening so it will be easy to see (or "track" as I like to say) my pattern and direction – perfect. What a relief!
    Thank you for your marvelous video, Leah. Others in my quilting group have no trouble with a hopping foot. But I'm the oldest of them and really thought I was the only one bothered so much by the hopping motion.

    You are a darling! Thank you again.

  33. Heidi says:

    What a fantastic idea to cut the plastic foot open. I bought a new Elna machine and the plastic foot for free motion
    quilting is closed and I never could see where I was going. I am sure that will make all the difference now.
    Thanks again for this super tip.
    Heidi South Africa

  34. Deborah Kunkel says:

    Dear Leah, Your instructions say, “If you feel like the foot is setting up too high, adjust the pressure to bring the foot lower. If the foot is feeling too low, loosen the pressure the machine is putting on the foot to lift it a bit.” HOW? Please explain how to adjust the pressure of the foot. I have tried moving the screw one way, then the other, but can’t tell the difference. I feel that the foot is dragging a bit over the quilt. I do have the feed dogs down. Thanks for your help!

    • LeahDay says:

      If you have modified your foot as shown in the video, you’ll need to add more rubber band loops to the top to lift the foot higher. Watch the video at time 5:40 to see how I adjust the height of the foot using the rubber bands and you’ll be able to fine tune this for yourself.

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