Do you really think I’m going to quit THAT EASILY!?


Just in case your country doesn’t celebrate April Fool’s Day, click here to read more about it and why I just played a very funny practical joke on everyone in blogland!

This blog project is definitely NOT ENDING
until it’s finished on Day 365.

Even then, it probably won’t end. I’m too addicted to these free motion designs!

Yes, it’s a ridiculous goal, but it’s one that I’m still very determined to achieve.

No, I don’t think I’ll ever use all 365 designs in one quilt, but it’s really the process of always searching for new designs and new inspiration that I love the most.

If I’d set the goal smaller, I might never have tried certain designs or even considered some variations. We’re often content with what we have, and if I stopped making new designs now, I’d probably only pick 20 of the 153 and stitch them to death.

So just in case my last post gave you a heart attack, I apologize. I couldn’t resist having a little fun in the last hour of April Fools Day.

And I really, really hope none of you would possibly believe I’d give up QUILTING for SCRAPBOOKING! Uggh!

Not that there’s anything wrong with scrapbooking or anything, it’s just that I’m so totally a QUILTER!

Once you’re a quilter, I don’t think there’s any turning back. There are just too many things about this hobby that are so wonderfully addictive. I thought of this silly slogan last night:

Once you Quilt, that’s it!

So here’s to another 212 designs! May they be as good or even better than those that have come before!

Let’s go quilt!

Leah Day

P.S – We have some great offers in our Quilt Shop. If you’re looking for a fun way to spend your weekend after the Easter egg hunts are over, head on over and treat yourself to a book now!


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

22 Responses

  1. Kim says:

    Not much funny about April Fools day pranks. I wonder who thought to start such a thing. Scrapbooking ~ ha!

  2. Anonymous says:

    You totally got me with that joke. In fact I was still thinking about it this morning, how sad I was going to be that I couldn't see your new stuff. Funny!

  3. shout4joy says:

    i knew you couldn't give up quilting for scrapbooking! Now, documenting the quilts you have made…that might qualify.

  4. Randi says:

    Oh, Leah!!! 😉 right back atcha!!! 🙂

  5. Lol! you got me until I started to read the replies and someone mentioned April Fools day! Good one!

  6. Sue says:

    Glad you're continuing.

  7. Sue says:

    Glad to hear you're continuing!

  8. CBH says:

    You got me!!! You are very convincing 🙂

  9. Brenda says:

    Well that wasn't nice! Bad blogger, Bad!

  10. Cheers! ::raises a glass of Crystal Lite:: Here' to the rest of the FMQFD!
    thanks Lea

  11. I'm glad it's a joke!
    Love your designs and hate to see you go!
    Thank you!

  12. Janet says:

    Leah you really got me too – I was worried about your mental health! Scrapbooking indeed! Glad you're sticking around.

  13. Suzanne says:

    Funnily enough I thought it might have been an April Fool's Day prank, you did have me slightly fooled as in Oz we are a day ahead and your blog for me came on the 2nd of April!
    I am so glad you are continuing on, you really do inspire me to do better at quilting. On a side note – there is nothing wrong with scrapbooking! I actually happen to do both and love them both for the every different hobbies that they are. 🙂

  14. Pamela says:

    Leah, you are bad, bad, bad. Or good, I guess, because you are the only one that got a prank over on me yesterday! Good one! I am so glad you haven't thrown quilting over for scrap-booking.

  15. Barb says:

    You totally had me fooled and I've only just found your blog recently. Shame on you! LOL

  16. Dianne says:

    ha ha…good one 😉

  17. mharpole says:

    Thank goodness. I was patiently awaiting your follow-up post.

  18. Corliss says:

    Oh so funny! I had compiled a note saying how much I understood but just a wee sad – lol. My daughter always gets me on April Fools Day but this year, you trumped her! You are amazing and inspirational.

  19. When I saw you were quitting, I thought "I don't blame her, it's a hard thing to do" and deleted you from my favorites. The next day I came back to comment on how much I enjoyed your work, and saw it was a prank. I hope you didn't lose too many followers.
    I do enjoy your work. I'm glad you're going on. Thank you for all the good ideas. Rebecca

  20. QuiltSwissy says:

    LOL. I loved it! I knew you couldn't give it up.

    I came home from a guild meeting and told Frank someone had backed into my SUV. He rushed out to look at the damage. Came back in a few minutes later to ask me if I was OK and went out again. After 20 minutes or so I had to go out and tell him it was an April Fool's Joke. Silly man…..and his birthday is April 2nd so it isn't like he doesn't know already!


  21. Justine says:

    THANK YOU! Your blog has given me the inspiration to tackle this skill even though I too do not have one of those fancy machines! Off to shop. Justine

  22. Maria Grazia says:

    Wow I'm very happy that wasn't true!
    In Italy kidding in the 1st day of April is named "Pesce d'aprile" -April fish-.
    Thank you Leah that it wasn't true!

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