Category: free motion quilting

free motion quilting | Leah Day 1

Beautiful Quilting with Matrix

Our feature machine quilting design this month is Matrix, a super easy, wiggly grid design. Yesterday I got a ping...


Machine Quilt Family Tree – #461

It’s time for a new machine quilting design! I was playing with simple circular designs the other day and began...


How to Machine Quilt Block #4

It’s time to machine quilt block #4 in the Machine Quilting Block Party!  Last Friday I shared an extra tip...


Practice Machine Quilting Pebbling

This month is all about Pebbling! This free form, circular stacking design is one of my favorite machine quilting designs...

Leah Day quilt along 0

Spinning Sun Block Pattern

Our next month the Machine Quilting Block Party has begun with a bang with the new Spinning Sun Patchwork Block!...


Why is My Thread Suddenly Skipping?!

Since January I’ve been teaching our full time piecer employee how to free motion quilt so they can help me...


How to Machine Quilt Block #3

Are you ready to machine quilt your next block for the Machine Quilting Block Party? We’re going to be stitching...


Extra Practice Quilting Echo Shell

This month our feature quilting design is Echo Shell, one of my favorite designs based on a traditional Baptist Fan:...