Why Facebook Isn’t a Place for My Quilting Friends

Today I’ve clicked a button I’ve been wanting to click for months. I’ve archived both my quilting Facebook groups and plan to greatly minimize my social media presence on this platform

To explain why in detail, I made whole podcast episode about it:

Quick links to things mentioned in this video:

I really feel like Facebook has gotten out of control. The way the system works seems to be encouraging bad behavior. It’s extremely addictive to post something and see the reactions, comments, and likes roll in.

The biggest thing – this isn’t quilting. In order to use Facebook, you have to be reading and watching and it’s intentionally designed to suck you in and not let your attention wander.

Unlike YouTube where you can play a video in the background and only look over when something catches your ear, you can’t quilt and scroll Facebook at the same time.
This seemed okay for awhile, but in the last two years, the level of negativity and spite on this platform has reached all new highs. Lately it feels like every time I look at my news feed every other post is full of rage and resentment. Everyone is unhappy about something on Facebook.
And that’s the thing that I keep coming back to time and time again – Facebook isn’t reality!
There are so many things to be joyful and appreciative of right now. With a simple search you find videos to teach you anything you want to learn. With a few clicks you can find the best materials, fabrics, and trims to make any project come to life.
We can publish books, videos, radio shows, and even make our own custom printed fabric, clothes, bedding, and furniture without any gatekeepers in our way.
There is SO MUCH to be thankful for!
I’m choosing to focus on gratitude and the bright light of creativity that has always been my guide. I’m choosing to stop participating in a social media platform that is bringing out the worst in human behavior.
And more than anything else, I’m choosing to quilt. I’m taking a step back on social media in general and for the rest of this year my focus is going to be centered on what I do best: quilt, make videos, and share them with you!
So be looking forward to our new daily line up of quilting fun. Here’s the tenative schedule so far:
Tuesday – New design tutorials (let’s make another 365 shall we?)
Thursday – More designs, or something new!
Friday – Frame Quilting Friday – I really want to dig deeper into longarm quilting.

I hope you’re excited about these new quilting tutorials and fun shares. I’m excited to have more time to do what I love most: quilting and teaching!

Let’s go quilt,

Leah Day


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

57 Responses

  1. tjtech says:

    I have followed you for several years now and have always been blown away by your creativity and candor but I have never taken the time to write a comment. I can't let this latest initiative pass without telling you how much I totally agree with everything you shared. I hope your business does not suffer from lack of a Facebook presence but I believe removing yourself from the negativity of Facebook will definitely enrich your lives. Thank you for all that your family does for the quilting community.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more about the social media I got off Facebook in 2009 and never look back I am on Instagram to share stuff with my family up north that I make and see the children up there but could easily hive that up as well it has changed significantly since it first started and apparently it's been purchased by Facebook so I'm seeing more ads Etc thank you so much for everything you do you're simply the best

  3. June D says:

    Fabulous! Will be nice to see the comments regarding projects on your blog the way it used to be. easier then to pick out people to follow and get to know. Thank you for every thing Leah and Josh.

  4. Liz says:

    Bravo for posting this honest and beautiful statement! I totally understand the relief you must feel from your decision. I won't go into too much detail on a public space other than to say that I understand 200% everything you said in this video.

  5. Leah – I am beaming with pride. So very very proud of your courage to take a stand towards positivity. It is so very needed in this world now, more than ever. Good for you!

  6. gailliemac says:

    Congratulations on your decision with regards to Facebook. Happy quilting. Love your work

  7. I agree with you. It is always better to do something or learn how to get better at it than cruising and getting bruised by social media. It is a beast right now.

  8. Leah Day says:

    Thank you Linda! I honestly didn't realize it was effecting my decisions as much as it was. Now that the groups are archived, I feel a lot more free to pursue my goals free and clear of hostility and hearing a million different opinions. Don't get me wrong, I love interacting online, but the best place for it is right here on the blog!

  9. Leah Day says:

    Thank you! I really appreciate that!

  10. Leah Day says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  11. Leah Day says:

    I know what you mean. Thank you for sharing!

  12. Leah Day says:

    Exactly!!! I'm so glad you're happy about this change June!

  13. Leah Day says:

    Thank you Denise! Everything is changing rapidly every day. We do our best to keep up, but I think the key is staying true to ourselves and what we need individually. I'm really looking forward to blogging more, sharing new videos, and worrying less about all the millions of other places I could/should be.

  14. Leah Day says:

    Thank you so much for this comment! I really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. Yesterday I was very scared about this decision. After a torrent of positive emails and comments, I'm honestly not worried at all now. I think most people feel the same way as I do and I really don't think that platform is helpful for business at all.

  15. Unknown says:

    I totally agree!!!!! You are above the rest. I have always enjoyed and learned from you and will continue. It seems no matter how long I've been sewing I still have much to learn. Life is to short to have to be tormented by those who just want to bring others down. Thank you for all you do to encourage us.Jane

  16. Susan says:

    Social media, or even just internet browsing, in general, is a huge time suck. I try to be social as much as I can (which isn't much), otherwise no quilting would get done, let alone life in general.

  17. Originally FB worked well to enrich our lives. It connected us with family, distant friends, and made it possible to deepen our friendship with our local friends as well. It was a source of new information and ideas. However, I realized about 5 years ago that it was becoming a time suck for me. Then it became difficult to receive the feed from friends and family. Then it was loaded with ads that you accidentally clicked. Finally the frustration, rage, and hate became pervasive. RIP FB. Good for you Leah.

  18. Monna Shaner says:

    You're so cute. Love what you are doing. You are so right. Will follow you there

  19. shoshu says:

    i sent in a comment this morning before i heard you podcast, and i just want to add that i'm positive you have nothing to fear from backing out of facebook, those of us who follow you, will continue to do so on the strength of who you are and what you share, and those who have yet to find you, [hopefully soon!], will find you without the uch. best luck always,

  20. I am SO excited for you!!! I deleted my Instagram and Facebook 3 years ago, and I can tell you that it was the best decision I could have made. Not only did I let go of the addictive nature, but it improved my ability to be PRESENT in the moments of life. My relationship with my husband grew from our joint decision! I'll admit that sometimes it is frustrating because so many businesses rely solely on FB and Instagram, but it has totally been worth it. My initial decision was out of privacy concerns, and as we have watched the bias and privacy invasion grow we have found that we are still able to share opinions and pictures through in person or text messages, and we have lost implemented need to share our entire lives with the world. Our conversations can still be opinionated, but there is much less judgement and better control of language when you are able to have a bipartisan approach to a wide range of topics. We have learned to do better research about things we hear in the news, and feel much better informed about facts vs social media opinions. To keep up on things like quilting, blogs and emails are still available! Like you said, you can Youtube and google so much now, there is inspiration everywhere. I'm proud of you for recognizing the opportunities in front of you and making such a decision. I hope you find the relief and presence we have found in our lives!

  21. Unknown says:

    I so agree with you and admire your decision. You are inspiring and do beautiful work. None of us need the negativity that social media brings into our lives. Even the negative comments on You Tube videos amazes me at times. Thanks again for all that you do as well as your leadership.

  22. Deb Davis says:

    Thank you so many times over for this post. You are a shining light!

  23. Barbara says:

    Totally support your decision. I archived my own page several weeks ago, and for the same reason. Basically, Facebook makes me unhappy, and I’m not an unhappy person. I’ve kept my blog page alive using a pseudonym as my admin to satisfy Facebook requirements. So far, that has cut my time on Facebook significantly, and nearly all the negativity has gone out of my time there. I may follow your lead and shut that page down too, however. This is a test. This is only a test.

  24. Unknown says:

    Leah and Linda, I couldn't agree more. None of us needs any extra negativity in our lives. Happy quilting,ladies.

  25. Mary Davis says:

    Congratulations Leah and Josh for making this very wise decision. Good for you!

  26. Amen! Leaving Facebook has freed up my time for so many more productive And positive things. Don’t miss it a bit. Facebook once published a photo I had sent in Messanger to my page. It infuriated me. And now I hear they want us to do banking in Messanger. And it’s not for any reason to benefit them they say……… no thank you Mr. Zuckerborg!

  27. Kelly Gill says:

    Leah I know you have mentioned in previous podcast who you self publish your books through. Just wondering if you could tell me who it is?? Your decision to step back grom facebook is a good one. I have stepped back and don't check facebook as much since my mum passed away earlier this year. Can't wait for your new videos, love all your work.

  28. shoshu says:

    i totally agree! good for you. as usual, you are setting such a healthy, wholesome, creative example for all of us, thank you for all the ispiration!

  29. Jeanne Hoerr says:

    I am so with you about Facebook! I only signed up to get my Etsy business more exposure, but what a waste of time! Life is just too short to spend time on Facebook & social media in general. Thanks for all of your great tutorials and inspiration. You are greatly appreciated:)

  30. lisa0116 says:

    Thank you Leah! It's about time someone in the quilting world said it. I personally am sick of facebook and most of the quilting world pimping themselves on it for more exposure and more purchases from them..yes..that is why they do it or else they would not be doing it. Thank you for all you do for the quilting community and keeping it real. Love you and your work!

  31. Thankfully I don't even know how to use Instagram and don't have a Facebook. God bless you. We need positivity.

  32. janette says:

    100% agree with your decision. Facebook was good in the beginning, I was actually able to reconnect with an old friend that I had not way of getting in touch with, she reached out to me on Facebook and I am grateful for that. But it is now a way for so many faceless people to say things they would never say in person – face to face. They can hide and be as mean and nasty as they wish with little to no consequences for their words or how they might affect someone. Good for you, need more people in the world to be as smart as you and take a stand.

  33. Unknown says:

    Reading all the news, I too would like to get rid of Facebook. What other resources are available to keep up with friends? I rarely leave my home so pictures of friends' family events and travels are so good to see.

  34. LIVIA BOGGS says:

    Thank you, Thank you! I too have read these things and have had the negative experience of others projected on myself, so much so that I just now am having courage to post things. When you are a new quilter you need encouragement. I think sometimes people forget where they came from. So Thank you again! All of us need that boost of confidence and you are a good example of that. Oh and Thank you Josh you too help behind the quilting curtin!

  35. Rain says:

    Kudos! Facebook is designed to suck your soul out through your nostrils!!! I don't understand why people feel it is appropriate to be nasty online. Thank you for all you do!

  36. Bravo! I finally quit Facebook around Christmas… It seemed so politically divided… People that I love and care about were very vocal on that platform when I would state my opinion. They would have never said those things to my face, and I probably would have never said the things that I said in person to them…Lesson learned the hard way….

  37. I'd check in on your teaching and positive attitude no matter where you decide to post. thanks for letting us know the why behind your decision. I'm a FB addict for family, church and friends but must admit I accept minimal FB contacts. Happy Quilting looking forward to more long arm motivation on your Friday post.

  38. I'm giving this a BIG "Like"

  39. M Rob says:

    Congratulations on your decision to abandon Facebook. I have a feeling you're going to be a happier, more productive person.

  40. teachercarol says:

    I agree with you 100%. In fact, I disabled my FB account about 6 months ago for the very reasons you have given. I started following you about 4 months ago and have been using the Youtube and your web page to get all the info I need. Thank you for all of your great lessons and ideas. I am working on Quilt as You Go using your walking foot book and videos. It is really coming together. I am then making a quilt as you go using your free motion designs. This is a great way to practice and see what I like. I'm new at this so have learned a TON from you.

  41. sewmadd says:

    I agree completely with you. I rarely go to Facebook anymore because of the negativity and other pretty awful stuff. It was fun in the beginning but not anymore.

  42. I'[m with you – Ive unfollowed a lot of groups since the get that way – I just like to see the pretties 😉 Look forward to more blog posts 😉

  43. Leah Day says:

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate your support and kindness.

  44. Leah Day says:

    Great question Kelly! I use two platforms for the print on demand version of my books – Ingram Spark for the books I sell on my site and worldwide. Then I also upload to Create Space just for selling the book on Amazon. So long as you use the same binding and cover type (matte or glossy) you can use the same ISBN for both books and yes, do order your own! I'll have more detail on this in new podcasts / tutorials coming soon.

  45. Leah Day says:

    Thank you for sharing Joan! I agree – this has gotten ridiculous!

  46. Leah Day says:

    Thank you Mary!

  47. Leah Day says:

    Exactly! I'm a happy, upbeat person, but five minutes on Facebook and it makes me feel terrible! Thank you for sharing Barbara.

  48. Leah Day says:

    Aw! Thank you Deb!

  49. Leah Day says:

    Thank you for your kind comments.

  50. Leah Day says:

    Thank you so much for sharing Jessie. I completely agree and feel like this is something that will change drastically in the next few years. Yes I already feel it's so relieved from this decision and I really appreciate your support.

  51. Leah Day says:

    Thank you so much for sharing shoshana! Based on the wonderful, supportive comments I've received I think you're right.

  52. Leah Day says:

    You are definitely right Andrea. The ads and spam have become overwhelming. I'm so glad you'll be joining me here instead.

  53. Leah Day says:

    You're so right Susan!

  54. Billie iop says:


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