Happy Birthday! My Thoughts on Turning 34!
Click Here to check out the birthday sale and save 40% on all downloadable books, patterns, and quilting workshops. It will really help us out a lot!
It’s scary to be this honest, especially in a video. Another professional quilter once told me to be more careful with what I share because once you put it out there, you can’t take it back.
But for me there’s a level of authenticity that comes from being honest and sharing the truth. No, this year hasn’t been the greatest. It’s been tough financially and I’ve been hustling even more than usual to keep this ship afloat.
I’m very proud of my business, but not so proud that I can’t admit that we have ups and downs. Things get busy, things get slow. It happens to everyone and we just have to figure out how to tighten our belts and keep on trucking.
I know in my heart better times are coming. I have so many wonderful things planned for this fall and winter and I’m so excited about a new set of workshops Josh and I have been working on together. Just yesterday we spent the morning filming basting together and had a wonderful time preparing a quilt on our dining room table.

It’s been a hustle, but I love quilting and I love running my business. I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life. So I’ll take the bad times with the good. I’ll figure this out and keep moving because I know the only way to win at anything in life is simple: never quit.
As long as we keep moving forward, we’re going to get somewhere new eventually!
So here’s to another birthday and the magical year 34. I’m so, so happy I’m not 17 and I can’t wait to see what this next 17 years holds for us.
Let’s go quilt,
Leah Day
♪Happy birthday to you Leah♪. Thank you for the special video as well 🙂
Happy Birthday! My daughter is also turning 34 this month.
Happy Birthday Leah. I wish you a wonderful year of happiness and no worries. Just don't forget that many worries are silly and will work themselves out. We are the fortunate ones for having you in our lives. Thank you for all you do to make our world of quilting so wonderful. Big hug.
Leah, happiest of birthdays to you! ? Since I found you on you-tube I’ve been in 7th heaven. About 2 months ago you hooked me on your quilting. Your teaching skills are A+ (I’m a former teacher). I look forward to learning from you for years to come. You have made so many people happier than they were before. ?