Harry Potter is a Bad Example


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

15 Responses

  1. Irelle says:

    Wonderful observation and a great lesson for all of us including our children and grand children. Anything worth doing takes patience and practice despite starts and stops, failures and successes. In our instant gratification society, it is a hard lesson to accept by many. Thanks for starting the discussion.

  2. LaRue Cook says:

    Hi Leah,
    You make several good points and I agree with most of them. The point I disagree with is about children raised in wizard families having an advantage. They might, but it's not inevitable. A child of a musician, artist, chemist, mathmetician and so on, may have an advantage in the real world because their parent imparted their knowledge. But it doesn't mean it's unfair for them to go to school and take those subjects with other children who didn't. Mostly because the parent isn't teaching them everything they learned in their practice, because they (most) aren't fully capable of learning it all. I imagine the capacity for magical knowledge at a young age is like anything else. Just because you can show an 8 year old how to do calculus doesn't mean you should expect them to do it or understand it. We all exposed to different things growing up and that may or may not give us an edge.
    On all your other points I agree. 🙂

  3. Robbie says:

    Great post! I've noticed with the grand kids, they give up so easily…I can remember encouraging my kids and letting them know what a good job they were doing so they would continue to work on a project/craft. Grands won't give it a chance…they seem to give up so quick…but I still try to encourage them….different age/world I guess!!!

  4. I just read the first Harry Potter book for the first time. I think you're right about kids needing to build skills. But Harry Potter wasn't good at everything. He did have to study and learn all the other skills. We all do have something that we are natural at, but have to work at other things. Interesting and thought provoking though.

  5. You hit 3 birds with one stone or should I say one broom or better yet, this post. It is thought provoking, while not being a new concept, this is a new presentation which will promote some to renew their thinking and start applying themselves more readily. With myself much included in this renewing. Or I could have just said, Thank You.

  6. Jen Barnard says:

    Also, the wizarding world has decided that at the age of 11 kids no longer need to be taught maths, English, the sciences (kind of understandable with magic) art (how are moving portraits made?), or any of the other subjects they would have had up until then. There's, no P.E. apart from the very few students who play a few quiditch matches a year. They aren't taught other languages, although the foreign students speak English, unless that's another spell. Molly Weasley uses spells to cook, clean and knit, but kids aren't taught anything like that either.

  7. Leslie Myers says:

    Most children know Harry Potter is fantasy – a fairy tale! I know my grand children did. Don't ruin this for your son. The books also emphasize cooperative behavior, good manners and mostly telling the truth, all worthy attributes. I have natural talents and then there are things I have to work harder at doing. What a thrill it is to suddenly realize that you are really good at something! It does happen.

  8. Leah Day says:

    That's an excellent point as well, though I see parallels with real life here. Where are the classes on writing checks, paying bills, and washing laundry properly in high school? Unfortunately nonexistent.

  9. Leah Day says:

    I see your point, however I should point out that Harry spends an awful lot of time breaking rules, cursing other kids, and lying about it. He's far from perfect and Ron is a downright jerk at times.

  10. Leah Day says:

    You're so right – instant gratification! That's exactly the problem and it leads to a really destructive sense of entitlement. James is in karate and his teacher always starts each rank up test day with the same story of how he failed to rank up 3 times. It's a reminder to the kids that even when you show up to class, if you don't remember your stuff and work hard, you can fail. I've seen a lot of kids experience massive reality checks, and I think it's great for them!

  11. Leah Day says:

    I see your point, and mostly my issue was with the quiddich teams. Had these kids been riding broomsticks since the age of 4, there would be no way a kid outside of a wizard family would have had the skill to compete with them. It's kinda like Little League – the little boys that start playing at 3 are SO far advanced from the kids that start playing in 3rd or 4th grade. They understand the game, they've been hitting and catching for years. It's built-in muscle memory and the other kids would just be trying to catch up.

  12. Yeah, well it is a 'magical' series and it is FICTION. That being said, practice does improve performance in most tasks. I also believe some folks have talent that no amount of practice will give to the masses. None of us can fly and I felt it was unrealistic to let kids believe they could go to college if it was plain they could not. As a successful parent of two grown kids and now 4 adult grands, I know the world knocks more confidence off our young people that we even could. I believe if the kid wants to try something you are sure won't work, let em. It's a life lesson too. We do need folks who don't go to college.

  13. qwilltr says:

    Your points are all good but we do need to remember that Harry Potter is a work of fiction. Anything can happen in fiction! The point is to make a good story that people will believe in regardless of what they do. Would everything that happened have worked in the real world? Certainly not but sometimes the point of a book is to take you where you would never have gone without the book. I love Harry Potter because it exercises the imagination.

  14. Sherry VF says:

    I couldn't agree more! Although, I do believe in gifted people, e.g., natural athletes, math whizzes, etc. Yet, these gifts are raw talents which must be used over and over to excel. As for our children, hard work seems to be an outdated concept. As you mentioned, gone are the days of corporate responsibility to employees for training and tenure. So, today's employees (and future employees) need to self motivated and self sufficient in preparing a wide base of skills to bring to the job market. This preparedness applies equally to corporate, small and entrepreneurial businesses.

  15. sootfoot5 says:

    Just another reason while I prefer the Laura Ingalls Wilder "Little House" series!

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