Don’t Wait 30 Days

Leah Day

Whew! I caught a cold right after getting back from Charleston last month and everything has felt like an uphill battle since. I just didn’t feel like doing much of anything, even though we have tons of fun stuff going on!

Then a few days ago I stumbled across a terrific YouTube channel called Yoga with Adriene and it’s making me feel SO much better. I started doing yoga when I was pregnant with James, but fell out of the habit of attending classes a few years ago. Thanks to Adriene and this awesome channel, I feel like I can take a yoga class anytime that fits my schedule.

Now what does this have to do with quilting? Not much, but I did want to share something spectacular Adriene said in the first video in her series. She said “Don’t wait until 30 days to start loving yourself. You can start now.”

In yoga, you show yourself love by knowing your body and respecting your limits. Forcing your body into a deep stretch you’re not used to, or hurting yourself to hold a pose is not self love. And I agree with Adriene – the time to love and accept yourself is right now.

This means accepting your skills at where they are instead of ripping and berating yourself for not being able to quilt perfectly. I’ve been watching the posts to our Block Party Facebook Group and I see many quilters share beautiful photos of their blocks, but usually with a warning that it’s not perfect or that a lot of ripping happened in the process.

Leah Day

I’ve seen this for years and it always makes me sad. I used to be the worlds worst perfectionist – constantly nitpicking my stitches and ripping out every tiny mistake. I know how crippling this habit can be, and I also know the source is always a lack of self love and acceptance.

So let’s take Adriene’s advice and start loving ourselves and our imperfect stitches right now rather than waiting until the end of the year. Start now with a deep breath and a big wide arm stretch to create new space around your heart. Then give yourself a big hug because you’re already awesome just the way you are, with the skills you have right now.

Let’s go quilt,

Leah Day


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

11 Responses

  1. Marlies says:

    Thanks for this inspiring post! Let's just love ourselves instead of being so critical all the time!

  2. Sylvia Klotz says:

    Well said. Thank you.

  3. Coming down now from flu and a sinus infection, I can really appreciate this. Years ago, I did Yoga for just four days in a row and started to feel amazing. Then I quit. Why? What is this resistance to feeling my best? I have theories about it, but haven't figured it out yet. But ok, back to quilting. Just this last month, I've started two landscape quilts that I have forced myself not to be so picky about. I'll say this: these projects have sure moved faster than most. And they're turning out well, so far! Just think of all the hours, days, weeks, months and maybe even years some of us have traded away in the name of perfection—which doesn't even exist!!!

  4. You're still cute as a pixie even if you aren't feeling well. I hope you shake that cold very soon!

  5. Jackie Kelly says:

    I agree. So many quilters are posting their creation and saying "it's not perfect, but…". No one will see the imperfections unless we point them out. Be proud of what you do and learn from it.

  6. Ginger says:

    I actually did one of Adriene's yoga sessions last week, for the first time. I enjoyed it too. Another good yoga youtube is DoYogaWithMe. I absolutely loved their Deep Release for the Hips, Hamstrings and Lower Back with David Procyshyn. After missing my local classes, I went to youtube and made myself a yoga playlist. It should keep me occupied for a while. LOL

  7. Samantha says:

    Amen. I gave up years ago trying to have everything in my quilts perfect. The people I gift them to never notice the mistakes anyway! I think it is the Amish who say "Only God is perfect" so it isn't a bad thing to have a mistake, or two, or 10 in a quilt as far as I'm concerned. Just adds character!

  8. QuiltShopGal says:

    Inspirational post Leah. Sorry to hear you also caught a cold. I am not certain, but I think I picked one up at QuiltCon. I hate being sick. Thanks for the link and insights on Yoga. You hit it spot on that we do need know our bodies and respect our limits. And, when our body tells us….we need to rest. I hope you feel 100% better very soon.


  9. Realmente hermoso!

  10. Leah, I hope that you are feeling better soon! I was looking forward to Quilt Cam tonight–then I realized that it was Thursday! LOL So thankful that it is recorded so I can watch it whenever. I haven't even gotten my material for the mystery quilt yet, but have all the blocks and instructions printed out for whenever I do get ready! James is quite the cutie!!

  11. Pat Smith says:

    So glad you found Adriene's YWA site. She's the best.

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