How to Piece a Blazing Sawtooth Block

I really love this block because a Sawtooth Star was one of the very first blocks I mastered piecing precisely. Flying Geese have remained one of my favorite shapes to piece and I think combining them with Half Square Triangles really makes for a fantastic patchwork block.
Let’s learn how to piece this block together in this video:
Remember to find the exact cutting sizes you will need a copy of the quilt pattern available here.
Next Monday we will be quilting this block with a variety of beautiful designs. The center of the sawtooth is filled with Zippling, which is a straight line variation of Sharp Stippling we focused on last month.
We’ll also be learning a new design called Fuse Fire. Be looking for an extra tip video on quilting this new pivoting design on Friday! It’s a beautiful design that will fill your quilt with flowing, fiery texture, which is just perfect for another Sunshine Surprise patchwork block.
Don’t forget to share your photos on the Block Party Facebook Group. We love seeing your progress and the beautiful blocks you’re creating.
Let’s go quilt,
Leah Day
Hi Leah. Thank you for all the information you have provided. I have learned so much! My piecing has improved greatly!
Question. While watching the video on sewing the second block I noticed that you have a slider covering the area, I would guess, from the edge of your sewing table to where your machine base starts. Is this to help slide the fabric. And also, do you change your throat place, to a single hole, each time you FMQ? Claire Bolton, Ct
Great questions! Yes, I place the slider to the front of the machine off the feed dogs for piecing to help the pieces slide smoothly under the foot. It's not absolutely necessary, but I think it helps make piecing feel easier and quicker.
On the single needle plate – no, I don't usually bother with this. I find it a pain to switch out plates and it doesn't seem to make much of a difference on this machine. However, if it's a convenient change and you like to do it then definitely do!
I am starting this today. Looking forward to seeing what everyone does. Cheers!
HiLeah: I like the patchwork foot you have.The one that came with my Janome Horizon 7700 has a guide that gets in the way. Is the one you have a generic?
The foot I'm using is the 1/4-inch patchwork foot for the Juki F400 – F600. I'd run some searches and you should still be able to find it. They recently replaced these machines with a new line.