Light Up Your Life – Forgive Yourself
I have a Light Up Your Life video here that’s a bit in-congruent with the festivities. It’s all about personal forgiveness – learning how to build compassion and empathy for YOURSELF.
Then I got to thinking about it and I think this is the best time to share this. What better day to learn about forgiveness and declare a personal cease-fire than on a night of fireworks and bright colors?
Yep, I make a lot of mistakes, and made many on this little art journal quilt! Rather than get frustrated and angry with myself, I’ve just taken it in stride.

It’s taken me years to learn compassion for myself. Self judgement and criticism are horrible monsters to live with in your head, and very hard to ignore.
I have a lot more to share on learning compassion, but for this post I just want to remind you that it’s never too late to STOP judging yourself, criticizing yourself, and find that softer, compassionate voice in your mind.
One tool I have used over the years is pivoting off major holidays as a way to let go and release my negativity and resentment. I think 4th of July is a perfect day because the bright lights and fireworks are a bit like a Holi Festival.
A Holi Festival is a Hindu festival of light and color that signifies the victory of good over evil, the arrival of spring, end of winter, and for many a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair ruptured relationships (Wikipedia).
I’ve seen photos of Holi festivals and would love to attend, literally swim in color for a day, and then as it washes off, also allow it to take all my lingering resentment with it. I believe you can find symbols and methods of release like this throughout the year, and it never hurts to lighten your load.
I’ve been lumbering under a lot of regrets this spring – I’ve been traveling too much, I missed a lot of James’s school events, and our business isn’t in the same shape it was last year. Tonight I’m going to release all my regrets and lingering judgement, imagining them exploding one after the other with our fireworks this evening.
So what about you? Do you find it easy to forgive your mistakes or do you keep beating yourself up for things you’ve done or said, even years after the fact? Do you leave mistakes in your quilts, or do you have to rip? Have you ever used a firework display, or bonfire as a way to set down your negativity and move forward with fresh outlook?
It’s definitely never too late to learn how to release the negativity in your life! Start today.
Let’s get moving. Try something new!
Leah Day
Owning a business is hard. Have done that for years. Being away from the business makes it harder. Your family is important also and by far the most important. Balancing a busy life style is hard. As you grow older you learned to not sweat the small stuff. Life takes different twists and turns and you should be flexible and go with the flow. I pray you can find direction and find the path that works for you and your family. Always hind sight is better than foresight. I have confidence you will succeed. Chris
Beauty!!! – thank you!
I too seems to have a hard time forgiving myself & find myself over booking my life. This Summer I have been trying to sew or can something each day so that I can take some time for taking care of me. Thank you for sharing with us.
I am the same way, I have those monsters that I constantly have to deal with. Things keep churning in my bain, even years later it's hard to forgive and move on. I too am working on letting go, hard lesson to learn, for an old dog ? I love this journal entry. Thanks for sharing. I am truly amazed with all you get accomplished. Don't forget to take a little time for yoursel…
You are so right! It is so very hard to forgive yourself!! Thank you for the encouragement!
I was thrilled to read his statement. Also tenhos my black clouds will gradually sending away, away. Also likes to draw and write. This is a way to close holes and heal wounds. In my atelier I feel peaceful, free, light. I always tell my husband that I have artist's soul. Quilt is for me a way to liberation. A big hug and a kiss on the heart.