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Print vs. Digital Books

I’ve shared another post on Craftsy blog today on print vs digital craft books. Click here to check it out now!

So which do you prefer? Print books have definitely been my favorite for years, but now I’m leaning more towards digital books instead.
Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Let’s go quilt,

Leah Day


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

9 Responses

  1. brownj6610 says:

    Printed books for books which teach and have patterns in them, digital for those I'd only read once.

  2. CJ Goods says:

    I agree, printed books for reference and quilting, digital for books I would only read once.

  3. Digital get my vote. It's green and I can carry my laptop to my studio and cutting table or wherever I need to see it. It's cheaper and NO recycling! It's win win win win…an so on.

  4. Rebecca says:

    I've only started to use digital books, but brownj's comment looks agreeable. Digital books are a good way to take lots on vacation, but I do like paper books for "doing" things from…whether it's cooking, quilting,or practicing yoga.

  5. OhioLori says:

    Love Printed books…love to go thru them often & share with my 2 sewing/quilting Daughters.

  6. LJ says:

    I love a printed book. What I've found is that digital books find themselves languishing in la-la land while I puruse for inspiration in my printed ones. 🙁 Digital are usually cheaper but I wonder about the financial layout when they don't get utilized like a printed ones do.

  7. Hands down, printed books. I love reading blogs and articles online, but books….there is just nothing to compare with the 'real' thing. And they look so much prettier on the shelf. 🙂

  8. L2V says:

    I seem to be buying both these days. I love the lower price of the digital and I'll buy more of them because of that. If it's something I'm going to keep going back to, I'll usually end up buying both. That way I always have a copy when I travel.

  9. Carla says:

    I still really like the feel of a good book in hand but I'm warming up to the idea of digital because my bookshelves can't hold any more books plus I can carry lots of digital books when travel and they're always close at hand.

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