A New Studio Just for Making Videos

About a month ago, I decided enough was enough. It seems like every time I turn on my cameras and hit “record” our step-outter and piecer just has to go stomping down or up the stairs, or sneak up behind me, or turn on music, or start spouting off about politics!

Yes, this makes Leah very angry! Lol! My camera takes pictures along with video and captured this angry shot when I’d just about had it with interruptions. As you can see, I do have a temper, and it isn’t very pretty when it’s unleashed.

This has been an issue since I started making videos in 2009, but lately it just seems impossible to find a time to film without interruption or distraction. Our full time piecer employee is busy prepping many quilts in the room to the right of my filming room, and let’s just say this individual is not the best when it comes to listening, being quiet, or respecting others’ space.

I’ve tried working around said individual and their attitude and non-stop ability to disrupt things. I’ve tried waking up super early and filming at 7 am. I’ve tried building a sound proof door. None of it works and I’m really done with the situation.

My solution? Build a new studio specifically for making videos. This new space needs to be out of the house and away from the disruption-maker, but close enough that I don’t waste much of my day driving over to it.

I also need CONTROL. I debated renting a studio apartment nearby, but what if my new neighbors turn on their vacuum cleaner? Or they have loud children? I would have even less control over another space than I do at home.

sewing studio unfinished shed | barn sewing roomAfter a lot of debate, I decided to set up a prebuilt barn from Old Hickory Buildings, wire it, insulate it, and turn it into a dedicated filming space in my back yard. Now when I want to make a new video series or DVD, it will be an easy process of walking into the woods to my little cottage, turning on the lights and cameras, sitting down and getting to work.

Setting up this new space will be time consuming and we’re right now in the middle of preparing a very big, very exciting secret project. I plan to work on this new project on and off for the next two months and will hopefully have it ready to use by June!

Yay! No more angry Leah and hopefully more fun videos to come very soon!

Let’s go quilt,

Leah Day



Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

11 Responses

  1. Alison says:

    I love your honesty! 🙂

  2. Leah, you are ambitious. I am so impressed with how you problem solve time after time. You could have decided not to film any more. So glad you chose a dedicated filming studio instead.

  3. Very cool to have your own room – I look forward to seeing the videos that come from it! Enjoy!

  4. elliek says:

    Sounds like a really good plan. Sure the studio will work well. Keep up the wonderful videos.

  5. I love how seriously you are taking your quilting; it certainly deserves the respect you give to it. I look forward to seeing how you are going to decorate your space. You certainly have the stuff to make it a beautiful (and soundproof) place. 🙂

    Happy quilting,
    Susan in Texas

  6. I would also be setting up a little private retreat area in there, too. We creative types need to get off by ourselves now and then for at least a few hours if not a night or two. Why not make it a double-duty space. Except you'd have to sneak back into the house to go to the bathroom. 🙂

  7. Kathinca says:

    sorry but i do love the angry Leah picture.

  8. CaroleM says:

    That is exciting! I'm super happy for you that your business continues to grow too.

  9. the world is a better place because of your videos! So yeah for the barn. Keep 'em coming.

  10. Love the funny face, and your solution. Happy filming.

  11. gwenevere says:

    That building will be what the doctor ordered for you….keep us posted as to the progress!

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