The Perfect Combo

Yep, this is an awesome new class from Craftsy – The Classic Double Wedding Ring – taught by Gail Kessler, featuring fabrics from the super popular Downton Abbey fabric line created by Kathy Hall with designers from the show.
While it’s a normal Craftsy class (find the link for just the class here) there’s also an extra option to purchase the class with the special Downton Abbey Fabric.
Here’s the deal: When you purchase your class, you not only get 2.5 hours of class time and learn 3 different ways to piece a double wedding ring quilt, you also get 21 yards of Downton Abbey fabric!
The regular cost of the Fabric Kit is $240, but you can actually get a better deal by purchasing the Fabric Kit and Class all in one go – Click here to get the class plus fabric for $199.99!
I love Downton Abbey (though I’m a bit behind on my watching so no spoilers!) and as soon as I heard there was a fabric line created, I knew it would be a big hit.
I also love double wedding ring quilts, and have intended to make one since before Josh and I got married in 2005. We’re now getting dangerously close to our 10th wedding anniversary and we still don’t have our special quilt!
This new class is certainly motivating me to stop procrastinating and make this quilt a priority! Watching the lessons with Gail Kessler is taking the mystery out of this pattern and making these blocks seem a lot less intimidating.
There’s three different methods for piecing the Double Wedding Ring taught in this class:
Traditional piecing – Cut fabrics using templates, then piece with a 1/4 inch seam allowance to create the quilt top. This method might be a bit old fashioned, but the results sure are pretty!
Paper foundation piecing – If accuracy is your goal, foundation piecing will give you perfect results every time.
Acrylic Templates – Speed up the cutting process and learn how to use acrylic templates to cut your fabrics. The process is a bit different than traditional piecing because you have to piece according to the template instructions, and every one is a little different!
I’ve had a great time watching these three methods, and I think I’m going to give all three methods a try first to see which one I like best before I jump into piecing my entire quilt.
So if you’re like me and have had a double wedding ring on your master list of quilts you MUST make, definitely check out Craftsy’s Double Wedding Ring class today!
Let’s go quilt,
Leah Day