77. Free Motion Quilting Daisy Echo, #418
It’s time to get life back to normal (or as normal as it gets in December) and focus again on quilting! Today I’m missing spring and wishing for warmer weather, so it seems the perfect day to share a design full of cheerful flowers:

This Daisy Echo design was quilted first in the background of Emergence, so this can easily fill into weird areas, or be expanded to fill large sections of background.
Let’s learn how to stitch it!
Hmm…these cheerful flowers are reminding me of the embroidered table runner project I’ve started, but not yet completed.
This project is from the Craftsy Class Elegant Embroidered Quilts, and once I get the border pieced, I think Daisy Echo will be the perfect design to finish off the background.
It’s so nice to have a plan for a project in advance! It definitely makes me want to finish up my computer work quickly so I can…
Go Quilt!
Thanks again Leah! so great!
Great tutorial as always. I like how the daisy echo looks on your Emergence quilt. You usually use solid color threads. In the center of those crossing feathers there is a lovely green variegated thread. Is it isacord?
I did not know they carried anything other than solids.
Thank you for all you share and how much you encourage us all. You empower use to try new things and challenge ourselves.
Question, bought one of you supreme sliders , my second ,I'm wondering if I'm doing some thing wrong as both seem to get chewed up with the feed dogs. In one of your videos you say you have been using the same slider for a year. So would you show a pic of you slider or give me some advice on using them. Thanks kws
One of the nicest patterns ever.