New Craftsy Class: Free Motion Fillers Volume 2!
Yay! It’s finally time to launch my new class on Craftsy: Free Motion Fillers Volume 2!
I really feel like a chicken that’s been sitting on a big egg for the past 3 months and now it’s finally hatched!
Just in case you can’t watch the video, in Volume 2 you will learn 50 designs (10 brand new, never published before) from 5 new families: Overlapping, Foundational, Edge to Edge, Edge to Center, and Stem Centered. These designs have a much wider range of texture and really unique way of filling through the different areas of your quilts.
Speaking of quilt, for this class we’re changing up the project we work on to learn the designs. This time we’re stitching out everything into a large tote bag:

This tote bag finishes really big so you can carry loads of crafting supplies, but when you’re quilting it on your sewing machine the panels will feel small and easy to move. We’re also going to learn these designs on a smaller scale so you get the most bang for your buck – the greatest number of repeats of a design or shape within a small amount of space.

I know well the concern most quilters have with learning on a small scale – that it will make your quilt stiff and uncomfortable to sleep under. But with this class we’re learning on a tote bag so this is the perfect project to stitch a little denser and get a lot more practice in a smaller space!
In addition to the 50 designs and tote bag construction, we’re also going to learn more about quilting scale, how to pick thread colors, and how to diagnose and fix your thread break issues. I’ve included a thread break cheat sheet for you to work through whenever you’re having thread issues on your machine so you can figure out exactly what is going wrong and get back on track with quilting.
Of course if you ever have issues or questions, you are a click away from connecting with me and getting the help you need! The Craftsy platform is specially designed so you can ask your question right at the spot that confuses you. I check and answer questions every single day so you’re sure to get your questions answered within 24 hours.
While you’re there, I would definitely advise signing up for some of the free classes Craftsy offers. Perfect Pizza at Home has radically improved my pizza making ability (much to Josh and James delight!) and Know Your Wool blew my mind with the information about rare breeds of sheep and the wool they create.
If you’re looking for an awesome free quilting class, definitely sign up for Amy Gibson’s 2012 Block of the Month and learn how to piece 20 beautiful blocks and learn a variety of techniques. These free classes are a great place to get started if you’ve never taken a class on Craftsy before!
I really hope to see you in this new class Free Motion Fillers Volume 2. Remember, you can always find 50% off links to all of my classes here, so just in case, here’s the list of all of them:
Let’s go quilt!
Leah Day
Looks great Leah! I am already enjoying your FMQ a Sampler class so I will be moving onto your filler classes as soon as I've finished!
I saw the Craftsy email this morning with your new class and I was like, 'this girl is on a roll'! Congratulations! I will be purchasing it soon!!! I'm waiting until Friday(payday:)
Looks like a great class. And I totally love your idea of making tote bags.
I still have compltely watched your Craftys class on FMQ Vol 1.
But will definitely sign up for this soon. Its so exciting!
Glad to see that your hard work is paying off.Congratulations, Leah!
Leah, I've been making quilts for over 25 years but have always dreaded the actual quilting part. I've been following your blog and taking your sampler class on I can honestly say that you've turned my dread into JOY! My machine no longer fights me when I try FMQ, and I look forward to the end of the day when I can quilt. Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! I'm looking forward to this new class. Keep up the good work!
Leah you look so elegant and "grown up"!!!! Your love of quilting and teaching others just beams in these pictures!
Leah, I'm fairly new to the quilting side of things… how is this class for beginners?
bought and paid for, love your classes, and have enjoyed each moment. Thank you once again for your hard work and dedication to helping us make our quilting experiences creative and enjoyable.
I just signed up! I love your Craftsy classes!
So enjoy you. So I bought both of your classes. And I also have your book… 365 Free Motion Quilting.
Love everything you do. Please keep up the good work.
Congratulations and well done on another great class Leah! I have signed up already!
mareshavefun – I actually didn't say Volume 2 a beginner level class. It's really tailored for a quilter comfortable with the basics and ready to move on to more designs. I think Free Motion Quilting a Sampler is a good place to start if you've never quilted before.
Leah Day
Hola Leah,Soy María Cristina, hoy pude ver este mail,paso a contarte Yo tengo una máquina Janome-Memory Craft 7700 QCP, Habeces al quiltear se me corta el hilo, creo tengo que comprar los elementos que vos tenes pero temo que no lo pueda obtener por lor problemas que tenemos en mi Pais. Pero vos me diras que hacer.
Te recuerdo que soy de Argentina Buenos Aires,del Barrio "San Telmo- La Boca" .Te envio un fuerte Abrazo y gracias por todo lo que me brindas con el Quilting.M.Cristina