27. Let’s Review Basic Spiral, Design #005
We’re finally finishing up with the background of Express Your Love with one last spiraling design! Today let’s review Basic Spiral:
These are all variations on the same theme: mixing a simple independent design with spirals. Now let’s master spirals alone with Basic Spiral:
Now with this section filled, this version of Express Your Love is looking really good!

But I’ve decided to wait on teaching Textured Applique in her hair until later this summer or fall. Instead I’m hanging this version up on the design wall and starting a new version with the Spoonflower Printed Panel! Definitely check in on Thursday when we get started working on this new version of Express Your Love.
Let’s go quilt,
Leah Day
You are so down to earth and I understand everything you say. You are such an inspiration to all young and old. You are the future for Quilters. Love you.