FMQ Friday – Quilt the Town Red

It’s Friday and I can happily admit I’ve been quilting up a storm!

free motion quilting | Leah Day

This is Duchess Reigns hanging on my wall last night, fully outlined and ready for the next step. I basically sat down with her on Monday and began to steadily work through the corner feather areas and blazed through the remaining 3 corners in 2 days:

free motion quilting | Leah Day

This is a LOT of quilting. 15 bobbins worth, if not more, but of course, you can barely see it because it’s all white white thread on white fabric. I’m kind of done with this arrangement. It’s time to quilt this town red, baby!

Why change color? Mostly because I can barely see where I’m stitching. I honestly have pity for anyone that makes white wholecloths a lot and enjoys it. I feel like I’m going blind just trying to see and stitch the outlines!

So rather than try to fill in the dark (or should I say the blinding white?) it’s high time this quilt changed colors.

White and me are just not friends. Growing up, I never wore white t-shirts because didn’t matter if I wore the stupid shirt for 5 minutes, I would always manage to spill something on it. White fabric never stays white for long with me around, and I’d never planned for this quilt to remain this color.

So how is this going to work? You’ll just have to wait and see next week! Josh is helping to film this process so we’ll share all the juicy details soon!

Now let’s link up with what you have free motion quilted this week!  Simple rules for the FMQ Friday link up:

1. Link up with a post that features something about Free Motion Quilting (FMQ).
2. Somewhere in your post, you must link back here, or you can just post the FMQF button in your sidebar.
3. Comment on at least a few of the other FMQF links. Share your love of free motion quilting and make this weekly link up a fun way to connect!

Let’s go quilt,

Leah Day


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

7 Responses

  1. flavia says:

    ciao leah! possibile che non rispondi mai alle mie email e/o commenti che ti lascio???
    problemi di contatto????

  2. Pat Merkle says:

    I know when you first started talking about this quilt, you were dyeing red fabric. I was surprised when I saw you stitching on white. I'm intrigued to see how you dye your quilt!

  3. Beautiful. I have never tried a wholecloth, but white on white sounds miserable. I was looking for the code to add your FMQ Friday button to my blog but need help! I can't find it!

  4. Donna (MumZ) says:

    Gorgeous work as always and hard work too. However, as you see the beauty of the stitch flowing from the needle I am sure that you get a great deal of pleasure in that hard work. I love everything you do, Girl!

  5. Hope says:

    I love seeing each progress shot of Duchess Reigns, it is stunning! Can't wait to see the next step.

  6. Donna (MumZ) says:

    Now I wish I had started Duchess Reigns..I enjoy seeing all the progress and the new stitches.

  7. I would have been TERRIFIED to dye this BEAUTIFUL work of art! I think it's FABULOUS as is all of your projects!!! How many fabric pieces make up the quilt top? Leah, I love you!!!!!!!!

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