Thick Skin UFOs

It’s UFO Sunday and time to take a look at all those Unfinished Fiber Objects we have around our sewing rooms and see what can be done about them in a single day.

I’ll admit, my UFO busting is on pause right at the moment because I’m busy quilting through several big projects.

But there is something unfinished I’m working on today. I guess I would consider it an emotional unfinished project. I’m working on my reaction to negative reviews and nasty trolls online.

It may surprise you to find I actually get quite a lot of hate mail. The internet is a place where people can post hurtful things in a matter of moments completely anonymously and without ever being called out on what they wrote.

Consider this, at a public quilt lecture would you ever berate the speaker for not being precisely clear on the technique she used in a quilt she’s shown? Do you ever get the opportunity to stand at the end of a workshop and rate the experience from 1 to 5 stars and tell the person, to their face, that you though their class “was like watching paint dry?

I often get emails in solid caps, screaming at me about anything from using polyester thread to the way I press seams open. The people that do this kind of thing are absolute scum and they know they can write anything they want without ever being called out in person.

I consider my reaction to this kind of thing a constant work in progress.

Sometimes I manage to read something and look at it logically and remember that everyone has a right to express themselves, no matter how stupid and belligerent they sound.

Other times I react with equal parts anger and sadness, raging against the jerk that has ruined my day.

Regardless of how I react today, I know this will always be something I deal with online. There will never be a week I don’t tick someone off for something I’ve done or not done perfectly. This will always be an unfinished project.

One day I might find the perfect solution to nasty people and finally have a solid reaction in the bag where I don’t let a person’s hurtful words reach all the way to my heart.

But until then, this is an unfinished project I’m just going to have to chip away at until my skin gets as thick as a rhinoceros!

Let’s go quilt,



Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

78 Responses

  1. Goldogmom says:

    Hi Leah, I am sorry that you've been treated so unkindly. Someone once told me that we cannot try and figure out how to trust people in our lives, people, we love, friends, coworkers, blog posters… we cannot control what anyone else does. But we can trust ourselves to handle whatever comes along. Once I identified to put my energy into trusting me to cope, things are a bit easier to process. And we do still have to process the hurts. But remembering I can handle it, helps me move through. I think you have what it takes. I think you can trust yourself. And that includes reaching out to people you do feel safe with.

    I apologize for the people who treat you with such disrespect. Please know that for every one of the people who insult you, there are 1,000 more of us who appreciate your kind and generous nature, and your willingness to share your creative talents with us.

    Thank you,
    in Seattle
    Janome 6600

  2. B says:

    Leah, I'm horrified, I honestly would have thought the trolls would find better places to hang out and spread their nastiness. It is very horrible for you, especially when all you do is share your time and experience and so many of us are grateful and humbled by it. Thich Nhat Han would say that they way to deal with this is to feel genuine pit and sorrow and say to them "I'm sorry you feel this way, that you have such hate and bitterness in your heart that you need to do this" but he has spent many years in Mindfulness. Alternatively each time you read one, you can read one of our posts as an antidote and say "This is the truth, these people like and respect me and are grateful I'm in the world, those others don't even bother to think about me as a person they just need anyone to pour their bile into".


  3. I am so sad that you have to put up with nasty comments. You give so much of yourself. Keep your chin up and keep on smiling!

  4. Emily says:

    Wow Leah- i had no idea there would be ANYTHING that people could criticise about your blog/website! I consider myself privileged to read your blog and think "wow! Someone on the other side of the world has taken the time to share their talents and skills AND make a video AND I can watch it all for FREE!!!! I have never had to deal with negative feedback online as i'm just an avid blog reader, but I have certainly encountered my fair share of negative comments from parents during my years of teaching. They hurt so much, especially as everything you do is with the best intentions and to the best of your ability. Do you know though, after all these years, I still haven't figured out how to develop that 'thick skin'. Generally my husband puts up with the complaining from me… at times I wish I could be as insensitive back and just say something just as pointedly rude, like, "Well at least I can use correct grammar!" I'm sure people don't realise how much it hurts, especially when they can be anonymous online. I'm so sorry that all I can offer is sympathy on this point. I'm still learning how to not let other people's opinions hurt me so much so I will be avidly reading any other comments left to get more tips as well!

    For my part- thank you so much for your inspiring work Leah. I may never get round to actually quilting with 3 little kids but I get just as much joy following your blog 🙂

  5. Lael Feist says:

    So sorry, Leah, that people do this! You voluntarily have given, given, given of yourself. For every being-"ugly" person, please know there are 100 appreciative followers. THANK YOU!

  6. AnnieK says:

    If it helps offset the ugly critics at all…. while at our local, small-town quilt shop the other day, I overheard the owner telling a new quilter all about your blog and how much fun it was to follow your new quilting design each day for a year. I hopped in with your web addy, and us fan girls raved about you for a bit longer. So, even in rural Texas, you have some strong admirers!

  7. I have always disliked people who are cruel and heartless and my daughter sent me this. It made me see them differently and maybe it will help you.

    Tall poppy syndrome (TPS) is a pejorative term primarily used in the UK, Canada, New Zealand and other Anglosphere nations to describe a social phenomenon in which people of genuine merit are resented, attacked, cut down, or criticised because their talents or achievements elevate them above or distinguish them from their peers.

  8. Cindy says:

    I'm sorry to hear about the awful emails. For what it's worth, I don't even quilt but I love reading your blog and seeing your work! It's simply amazing.

    Keep up the good work.


  9. Robin Haupt says:

    Leah, you are the strongest, kindest, most positive person that I've come to know through quilt blogs. What you have been able to do for yourself and your family is true strength and love. For those others to be nasty, unkind, hurtful and seriously bullies is pure coward. You're correct, they get to do that sort of thing without the courage to look at you. The hell with them. They do not belong in your world of beauty, love, courage, strength and amazing art. I love the work you do, the beautiful quilts you make. I love that you give so much of yourself. I thank you for sharing. I honestly wish you complete success to disregard and forget what cowards throw at you. I hope you have a wonderful 2013.

  10. LynCC says:

    It's amazing how some mean some people are! And it's much easier said than done to not let their poison bother you. However, it's just that: THEIR poison, not yours. Don't own it. Actively ignore it and leave it sitting in the gutter where it's screaming from.

  11. Dyan Thomas says:

    So sorry to hear that you get "nasty" comments because I think you're fantastic to share so much of your time and knowledge of quilting. Everyone should know that there's no one right way to quilt, which you have expressed time and again, so you can disagree without being nasty — or just don't attend the classes. (And don't always take all caps as "yelling" because some people cannot take the time to type with upper and lower case and some people, like me, have old cell phones that only do caps 😉 ) Again, you're GREAT! and thank you for all you share with us.

  12. I am very surprised that anyone would be so narrow minded and hateful as to say negative things to you like that. I find you to be such an excellent and giving teacher that such nonsense just blows me away. It takes all kinds in this world and just be glad you don't have to live with someone like that.
    Just remember for every one a______ out there with hate mail there are a thousand of us that love and respect you.
    I thank you for your guidance.

  13. Angela Welch says:

    Leah, I'm so very sorry to hear that you get all those nasty emails! You are so generous and knowledgable, and inspiring to so many people. As hard as it may be, I hope that next time you get an ugly email you can know that so many many more quilters are very grateful for your hard work.

  14. Stella says:

    Yikes! I have not dealt with anything like that yet, maybe because my blog is only read by something like fifty people, but that is terrible! It seems weird to me that fiber art people could be so nasty to each other (so far I've been lucky and met only friendly fiber folks online), but I guess even we are not all perfect…. Luckily you're too cool to let many days be ruined by nasty internet jerk-faces!

  15. Irene says:

    I am happy to take this opportunity to support you and all you work. Thank you very much. Keep ignoring those negatives because they are no reflection of what you do. They a only reflect their inadequacy. And as far as incomplete instructions, they must live on Mars. You give so much help and inspiration that this is the first place I look for help. And I always find it.

    Have a cup of tea, coffee or whatever and laugh at their small minded ness, knowing you are secure in your knowledge of the subject and truly warn at heart.

  16. Colleen says:

    Leah NEVER take negative comments like that to heart. People who act out in such negative ways are unhappy with their lives and focus that emotion on others. I LOVE reading your blog. Im hoping someday to learn to machine quilt 1/4 as well as you. You are so talented and focused! I really admire you! Thanks for all that you share so generously and freely!

  17. I'm horrified that people would be that mean. Yes, you do things differently from what is considered standard practice, but so what?

    I guess you need to be 71 and have a very long memory to when standard practice was very different from what it is now. This is at least my third round of standard practices that are different from the last group.

    My first quilt was a quilt as you go disaster, done with standard practices at the time. All by hand. The methods you teach will result in a something that is not a disaster. How is that not better?

    I like using polyester thread. It works.

    I've ironed the seams open for the very first time in 40 years. I haven't tried quilting over that piece yet, but I think it just might be my new standard practice.

    I guess maybe you have to be older than dirt to have an open mind.

    And then again. Maybe not.

  18. Malini says:

    Dear Leah,
    You can't let those people bother you. You're a great teacher. And you always be in. There are so many followers of you, who love your dedication in teaching free motion quilting and sharing your journey.

    And we appreciate all the effort and love you put into this project.

    You should just shake off those negative comments off your shoulder and thinking about all the positive feedback you get. And the people who love you for sharing your knowledge with us.

    I am one of those people who will always grateful to you for helping me love this quilting art.


  19. Quiltn Mama says:

    I'm very sorry you've been on the receiving end of some dipwad's diatribe. Mean people just suck. Please remember however that there are alot of us out here in blogland that think you're awesome and keep being the same nice lady you are…and drive the jerks crazy!

  20. the 'delete' key works wonders on those comments dear girl! Delete – done – finished – end of story. You have too many things to accomplish to let the nay-sayers eat away at your time and your spirit!

  21. Hi Leah, I just want to thank you for everything you do. Please don't let the haters get you down.

  22. Lisa E says:

    Good post! Something for all of us to consider even if we don't have a blog. Frankly, I'm impressed that so many bloggers put themselves out there for all of us to see. Keep up the good work.

  23. The quilting community is filled with 99% wonderful people (my estimate!). Think of all of the positive feedback you get and let the negative people go… it's not worth it. Say or think "I'm sorry you feel that way…" and move on Leah.

  24. Pat Merkle says:

    LEAH YOU ARE WONDERFUL, CREATIVE, UNIQUE, FABULOUS! Take that and internalize to combat some of the negative!!!! Some of us LOVE and APPRECIATE THE HECK OUT OF YOU!

  25. Janet O. says:

    Hoping to never to do anyone what people have done to you. You are so generous with your skills and insight. If people don't like your methods or advice, why can't they just quietly look elsewhere?
    Thanks for all you share!

  26. Tanya says:

    Hugs to you Leah. As someone who is extremely grateful for all the time and energy you put in to teaching others, it never crossed my mind that people could be so horrible. Please know that the amount of gratitude from most of us far outweighs the nastiness of the few….

  27. Kelly says:

    Nothing anonymous here. I think you have done, and are doing an amazing, honest and inspirational job. Thank you!

  28. jan says:

    Leah, I hope that you will find a mantra, even from your words above to help those comments roll off. They are jealous trolls that are looking for entertainment, or some sort of charge. They are not people who are interested in learning, improving their skills and sharing the good in the universe. I really think they are jealous of your beauty, success, talent and good Karma!
    You are an inspiration to me and I am twice your age.

  29. Lora Martin says:

    Hey Leah,
    Sorry your sharing has come with opening a way for unhappy people to take it out on you. It helps me to remember at times like you've described that the poor person has said more about themselves and their life than they have about you.

    I appreciate your work.

  30. You don't deserve it! Everything you do, is out of LOVE, love for your family, love for your craft and for the love of sharing. You're damn good at it too! Every person out there does things their own way, the way it works for them. You're sharing and teaching what works for YOU, that is good, that is great! I'm going to repeat something my teenage son would say (and believe me, I hate it) but this time I will – WHATEVER!!

  31. Piece lily says:

    So sorry that you have garbage to deal with. I am so appreciative of what you donand what you share so freely.

  32. Jessim says:

    You already have a ton of comments, but I'll add my voice. Ignore those comments- those people have no manners at all. You are incredibly generous with your time and talents, and there are hundreds of people who appreciate it for every one who complains.

  33. Becki says:

    Leah, there are more of us out there who love your work and tutorials than those of us out there who are 'haters'. Thank you for all you have taught ME in the couple of years I have followed you. Don't worry about those OTHERS!!!

  34. Nikita says:

    It's a shame we can't all interact in a peaceful manner and apply the peaceful solution to our lives.. either way I'm sorry you have to deal with this.. may I remind you of the quilt you made that had the words "I am enough" What you bring to others and teach us is appreciated and we like you the way that you are…so do't let a few of those bad apples get to you.

  35. Linda says:

    Garbage, indeed–as Piece lily referred to it. It's funny, the only 'Christian' minister I tune into on tv is Joel Osteen, who is never anything but positive, and today his message was about people dumping their garbage on us. He pointed out that it really isn't personal, that the person's garbage has piled up beyond their endurance and they have to dump it somewhere–and you just happen to be there at that time. He suggested that we put a mental 'lid' over us (closed garbage can) and let it fall off. Not that it's always easy, because it SEEMS personal. The last time this happened to me was a scathing review of my latest book. after several good reviews. My sister was so incensed by it that she did some research on the profile of the reviewer, and found out that the woman was handicapped and trying to raise a child by herself, and was apparently very embittered by her situation. After that I realized that it really ISN'T about us when this happens. It's totally about the person writing. They are unloading and we just happen to be handy. I handle it better than I used to, but it still hurts when someone lets loose like that.

  36. Anonymous says:

    The "green eyed monster" has certainly been given its 'perfect' platform: the internet, where anonymity has allowed it to spew its destructive(?) words. Having said that, I will leave you with the thought that even the blackest darkness is broken/overcome by the smallest speck of light and you are the sweetest ray of sunshine lighting the way for so many who are seeking to improve/embark on their quilting adventure. I pray that you may focus on the good and let the other go…..blessings, Doreen

  37. Kara says:

    While there really isnt a positive to the negative comments, the kind comments you receive when you share a negative comment outweigh that one negative. Thank you for sharing all you do, whether it's "right" or "wrong," I appreciate it! Polyester thread and all!

  38. Leah, you have been so warm and generous in all that you've shared through your blog. I'm always thrilled to see when you get something published in a magazine or e-zine, or when you have classes offered because I think you should really be able to support yourself & your family with all your knowledge that you've gained and shared through the project. Thank-you so much… you've made a wonderful positive difference to me.

  39. MaryV says:

    Hi Leah, I've been lurking for a while. LOVE, your work, you are an inspiration! I was going to post about Joel Osteen, too, but I see Linda beat me to it. Please, don't let naysayers take your joy. You are a JOY in my life. There is a book, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers. It CHANGED my life! It didn't really help how I thought it was going to help, but Susan says YOU control how you react, no one else does. It's YOUR choice. It's a challenge, one worth trying. Hope it helps, Mary

  40. Robin Haupt says:

    Leah, please do not give the slightest regard to those cowards and bullies. We love you, your work, your strength, your kindness, your generosity, and I very much appreciate all that you share. Down with bullies and cowards!

  41. ratama says:

    Dear Leah, I also fight with negative reactions, I always take everything to my heart. In Germany, a documentary about Scary Guy was on TV and he got me really shaken up.

    He said something like this: I can decide what is in my head. If someone says something negative, I must not let in my head. And therefore I do not have a problem with what was said but the one who says it! It's his problem!

    I can explain it badly, Scary Guy can do better 🙂
    Unfortunately, I find the documentary on YouTube only in German. But don't hang in there! You are so generous to share with us your knowledge and skills for free! I never started with FMQ, if I would not have found you! THANK YOU!

  42. HI Leah
    I would never think any one will say negative things to you. But you draw a lot of traffic with your very very popular sharing blog (thanks) so may be one should not be surprise.

    Linda's comment is helpful as well as your own observation that you need a thicker skin. The thick skin develop by getting hurt and then healing X 100 but then you are a strong person that can handle other life stresses better. One sometimes wonder why there must be nasty people in the world- my dad told me when I sighed about this at 23- THIS IS LIFE. One must just be careful that one's own interaction do not hurt them- sometimes unintentionally we can hurt others.

  43. lauraoc says:

    Leah, please do not let hurtful, hateful or negative comments get to you. Your work has done so much to help so many of us who aspire to quilt well. You are an excellent teacher, blogger, Craftsy instructor and quilter par excellence! Thanks for all you do.

  44. Karin says:

    Wow… I am absolutely horrified. Obviously had no idea that there are people out there who would do this. I think you did the right thing, I.e. naming it for what it is. I am a great believer in naming things as a first step of dealing with issues. Judging by the responses of support you are getting, that just goes to show that those people are indeed the minority. Please keep your chin up and don't take it personally…you are doing a fabulous job.

  45. KrisR says:

    Just wanted to add my 'sadness' that you are having to tolerate this kind of stuff.

    I follow several fitness/healthy living people and they too deal with these trolls/low life people.

    Nothing I can add except that my heart hurts for you.

    The people of the world can be SO good – and yet some have such deep pain that they can only hurt and cause pain for others.

  46. Barbie Mills says:

    Seriously, some people. It's fine to disagree and not like things, but it isn't fine to be so childish about it.

    Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge.

  47. catspec says:

    Here's some caps for ya: I LOVE YOUR stuff and how you are and what you put out there for all of us. 🙂 HUGGIES!!!!! I am the most rank beginner at this FMQ stuff even though I am a life long garment sewer. I have learned SO much from your site and from your personality and you way of looking at the quilting journey. 🙂 Bless you.

  48. jroberts says:

    Dear Leah,

    It's all about remembering to soar like an eagle and not let the turkeys get you down!

    You are a gift to the quilting world! 🙂

    Lots of love and positive thoughts coming your way from South Australia!

  49. Kristy says:

    Hey Leah, I'm sorry to hear about the hateful/rude email you receive. I know it's hard to not take it personally. Please know that for every nasty email you receive, there are hundreds of us reading your blog who appreciate what you share with us.

  50. My mother always taught me 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all', and I try to follow that advice. Being mean doesn't get anyone anywhere, and it makes the person being mean, look bad. Sorry people are rude, etc, to you. You've been really nice to try to teach so many how to machine quilt, or improve their machine quilting. Some people are just really jealous of others. Hope your week goes better each day.

  51. Caroline says:

    I am so sorry that this happened to you, I was lucky enough to find you on you tube, and then found your blog. I enjoy your videos, blog, and am grateful that you are willing to share your knowledge, talent and experience.

    There is a lesson in here for me, don't be afraid to share a positive comment!

  52. Vicki in MN says:

    I am really sorry that you are getting such 'hate' mail, people can be so rude sometimes! But I just wanted to say how much I enjoy and how many times I refer back to your awesome designs! So Thank you so much Leah for sharing all you do:-)

  53. Becky says:

    Oh boo!!! Good for you making it a goal to grow tough skin. Hurtful is hurtful though, and it stinks that someone feels the need to make comments like that. My first son was an incredibly difficult baby and toddler, which was very hard to deal with, but being his mom made ME grow tough skin, as complete strangers routinely would give me unwanted parenting advice. Ugh!! Count me as yet another grateful reader of your blog who thinks you really rock!!

  54. I think you struck a cord with all of us Leah lovers:-)
    I'll bet most of the negative things are people frustrated with whatever they are sewing and blame you or something you said on their problems.
    they should put on their big girl pants and own up to a mistake, we all make them – it's what you do with it thar counts.

  55. Wendy says:

    Leah, i heard this advice just last week on a tv talk show; one ladyhost was saying to the other lady host that had sent her an ugly email. The second lady said someone once told her since she's in the public eye, she'll get lots of comments from people, and

    "Don't let the negative ones go to your Heart, and don't let the positive ones go to your Head!"
    I thought it was excellent advice.

    But i'll go a tiny bit further for you: *DO* hear all the positive comments, and *allow* them to go to your Heart, but don't allow your head to get swollen.
    With your background, I think you really need to concentrate on the Heart part of it all. =-)


  56. Negativity is like a cancer and it can eat away at your mind. So many times are hurtful because they don't want to accept the fact they can't do what you do. So many have gan knowledge and confidence in using your methods. Also who died and made them "The Quilt Police"? Move forward with confidence and you will succeed. Chin up today is another day. Chris

  57. JoAnne says:

    Well, it's pretty apparent by the number of reactions that you have had to your post, you are very well thought of. I add my support also. I often marvel at the sweet, supportive way you have taught so many quilters. I am sorry you have to endure the nastiness of a few unhappy people. Just remember that you have spread your love and enthusiasm for quilting to many more all all over the world. I appreciate what you do, have learned a great deal from you, and am excited about learning more from you. Please don't let a few ruin it for you.

  58. path7401 says:

    Some people have so much hate in them they have to get rid of it by spreading it around on others. I have really thin skin, too, so I don't know a solution.

    But please don't stop trying to teach us because we really need your lessons.

    If they are hateful, try not to read them, delete them if possible, don't let their goo stick to you.

    Sometimes I picture a big blackboard with the message on it and I wipe it clean with a wet cloth–even the dust doesn't show any more.

    Pat Hathaway
    Salina, KS

  59. Jo Wilson says:

    Hi Leah, I was horrified to read that you get hate mail!! I cannot get my head round why people would want to be so nasty! Do they have nothing better to do? I have always found your posts to be so positive and inspirational so I would respectfully suggest that you ask someone to delete them before you see them. Unfortunately negitivity can be more powerful than positivity and have a more lasting effect! Please take some comfort from the fact that you are respected by a lot of people who admire and respect you and your work. We are the ones who empathise with you. With love and big hugs to you and yours xx

  60. Anonymous says:

    I'm just one person out of many but you have helped me immensely and I appreciate your lessons, your ideas and your support for all of us who "dabble" in FMQ like I do. Thank you, thank you. There are too many people out there who think that they "should" speak their mind about something. My feeling? They should shut up and not read or listen to the posts if they don't like it. Be Strong, Leah – so many of us really need you and appreciate you.

  61. Annie Perry says:

    You are amazing and the reason so many of us have the courage to try free motion, I have one of your books which I love, those negative people must live such uncreative,unhappy lives. You are loved by many, just remember that ! Happy day to you!

  62. Leah,

    You are my quilting inspiration and #1 source of knowledge, when it comes to quilting. I am SO grateful to you for all you do!

    Think of all the people that you touch in a positive way that you don't hear from.

    Please keep doing what you're doing and don't let the bastards, get you down.

    Sara Glascock
    San Bruno, CA

  63. LAQuilts says:

    In the short amount of time that I have been following you, you have inspired and motivated me. I thank you for sharing yourself, family and talent so openly.

  64. a1angiem says:

    Dear Leah: All the good things that everyone else wrote…and here is my 'all in caps' to you:
    – Angie

  65. Elvis Lives says:

    Leah, I would like to publicly thank you for your generosity in sharing your tutorials. Some people are so angry they will lash out at anyone. When you get these emails, just remember that all the positive comments and emails you receive far outweigh the negatives. Once again, thank you. You have helped so many new quilters achieve in their desire to FMQ.

  66. Eunique says:

    Leah, when you feel like this, re-read your January 3rd post. Those of us who have been raised on criticism tend to believe things that people say much more so than those raised with confidence. We so take it to heart. Which gives us gigantic hearts. 🙂

  67. I learned something many moons ago in grade 9 from one of my favorite teachers, he said " If you get 9 encouraging things said to you out of 10, the only one you will really hear is the 1 negative thing ", it's sad how true this is. It's not a knock on anyone, what it comes down to is how we view ourselves, it is much to easy to believe the worst than it is to accept the best. I've run into a few negative nelly's myself, I figure the key is to look at the source of where the negativity is coming from and is it really worth your time to even read/listen to that nonsense?
    —> You are fantastic at what you do <—–, write that down on a piece of paper and put it beside the bathroom mirror so you can read it every morning and start your day off with positivity and encouragement. As a matter of fact there are more than 10 encouraging phrases write those down on different pieces of paper and place around your quilting area so you can be uplifted there as well 😀 Keep up the great work Leah!!! We appreciate you even if the quilting gestapo doesn't 😉

    P.S. I am totally bummed I missed another UFO Link up!!! 😀

  68. Elsapurple says:

    I love your videos! Don't let the negativity get you down. There are plenty of people who appreciate your knowledge and expertise. And people need to remember tat if you can't say something nice, shut up about it. 😉 Thanks for all of your hardwork. 🙂

  69. Anonymous says:

    Leah, I doubt that I would be free motion quilting without you. Actually, that doesn't really say enough. YOU really made a difference in my life.

    I haven't seen anything like you, your website, or your educational videos anywhere else. You're a unique treasure, and I mean that with all sincerity. A friend of mine is also just getting into quilting. I pointed her to your site, and she has looked at your videos and even started the quilt along!

    You make a difference! You are a successful adult, while the negative people are just acting like elementary school bullies (except they are too afraid or embarrassed to identify themselves).

    I hope you don't get sucked into their negativity. Hit the delete key as soon as you see that the message is just a rude, childish attack. Don't give them your time, and definitely don't question yourself based on such rubbish.

  70. lw says:

    What is wrong with people? Maybe you should get a friend or hire an assistant to filter this garbage so you don't have to see it.

  71. Laceflower says:

    I guess in my own little dream world I thought that the quilting community was supportive and well, community-minded. I am very sad to hear you are getting nasty comments. I think you are lovely, thoughtful, considerate, and very sharing. I appreciate your generosity and am encouraged by your posts, insights, and am motivated by your enthusiasm and instructions.
    I know it is hard Leah to ignore this kind of shocking attack, but know there are loads of us who truly appreciate you.

  72. I'm sorry you've had some horrible people write to you, too. You have helped me a lot, and I haven't thanked you. Shame on me. I love your videos, comments, explanations. THANK YOU! (that's the only acceptable all caps message you should read… delete as soon as you know you have a negative person on the other end.

    I hope you can figure out how to block the rude people.

    I feel as if you have made it all right to try anything, any way and anytime in a quilt. What liberation. My husband has become enthusiastic about what I'm producing. Something has changed because of your help and insight. THANK YOU.

  73. diamon says:

    Leah, You are my inspiration and guide in the quilting world. If it weren't for you I would have never even tried FMQ. Although I am much older than you, I believe where there is sincerity, love and a willingness to serve others, age is no barrier. It's time to nurture your inner child now, she's the one hurt by this trash talk. Tell her it's not real and let it float away. Love and peace. Namaste.

  74. Aubrie S says:


    I'm so sorry to hear about your awful experience with email. There are so many of us that LOVE to hear what you have to say, and I hope most of us would respect it even if we don't agree with every word. I agree with your feelings about negative email though! As a teacher, I have a good reputation and work very hard, but it still stings when I get attacked by a parent that's angry over a grade (or any other issue.) I try to look at it as confidence building, and I don't fall apart (like I did when I was starting out,) but I can't imagine a time when it won't hurt because I LOVE what I do and I CARE deeply for my students–and I feel like you have that same love, passion, and conviction for spreading the love of free motion quilting. And I'm very grateful to you for that–you've taught me so much, and there's so much more to learn.

    Thank you for being there and being honest with us–even when it hurts.

  75. Pamela says:

    Ditto to what the 73 posters said ahead of me! I haven't been a follower for long but long enough the know that you have a kind heart. Some people feel the need to bully others to feel better about themselves. I feel sad that they will never feel kindness.

  76. Leah! I hope this has been a post full of "we love you" comments for you to read.

    I know its hard to take those sorts of things…. We always want to please everyone and always have good intentions so its hard to believe that people can be so mean. They are probably just unhappy themselves, and they have to hurt others to feel better. It's sad, really.

    You can't control what comes through the computer, but you can try to control your reaction. When this happens to me I ask myself: Why am I allowing someone who doesn't care about me, who means nothing in the grand scheme of my life, to ruin my day and make me feel bad about myself? Why should they have that much power?? Why do I give them that much power? (As I said, easier said than done.)

    Your blog is fabulous and it was the place I turned when I started free motion quilting! Keep doing what you are doing!!! You are helping and inspiring more people than you will ever realize. Think about them when the meanies come around!

  77. AnnieM says:

    Hey Leah,
    Just remember you don't have to read them, just hit delete. As you know what you think about expands, so continue to focus on what you do so very very well. What information and talent you have shared with the world via this media is over the top special.
    Keep it up and let the less than positive fade into the background!

  78. Gladys says:

    Hi Leah!
    Sorry to hear that you get those bad comments or aggressive mail.
    The only thing that can be done in this regard, is to overturn the anonymous comments and moderate the comments to delete that do not deserve to be read and shared.
    And just stay with the beautiful words I've read in previous comments!
    I publicly thank you all that you generously share and which allows us to learn who began to walk this world of the quilting!
    A strong and sweet hug!

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