Question Thursday #40

It’s time for Question Thursday, and time to announce that this is the LAST question Thursday post. I’m just finding it a bit overwhelming to check for questions on YouTube, Facebook, Blogger, email and now Craftsy and try to make a post out of all of it.

So instead I’m going to try to answer questions when I see them here and on your linked up blogs, but I have to admit, the best possible place to ask questions and get a response within 5 hours is in my Craftsy class Free Motion Quilting a Sampler.

Why? Mostly because the learning platform is so seamlessly designed. You watch a video on the left side of your screen, and on the right is a list of all the questions other students have asked and a box for you to enter your own question.

So anytime during the video if something doesn’t make sense, you just click on the little box and write a question.

I check Craftsy first thing in the morning, then at lunch, then in the evening, so if you ask a question, you’re guaranteed a response within 5 hours during the day, or first thing the next morning.

It’s a million times easier for you because you can ask questions anytime and the questions are time stamped for that point of the video. So if something I say or do doesn’t make sense you can write “Hey, what did you mean right there?” and I can easily find that point and clarify what I was trying to teach.

It’s a million times easier for me to answer the questions because I don’t have to hunt for them and I can respond directly and even upload a photo to show you if it’s needed.

So if you’re feeling grumpy about my decision to shut down Question Thursdays, just remember there’s an awesome new place we can connect and interact so much easier right here at

And to finish off today, I did receive one question this week from Cindy at Cinder Gal Quilts:

What size needle do you use?  

 I use a Schmetz Universal 80/12 needle.

Yes, I know a lot of quilters use Top Stitch, Embroidery, or sometimes even Microtex needles, but I have always liked Universal. I got started using this type and size when I made clothing and they seemed to work best on a wide range of fabrics from knits to cottons, made a small hole, and always seemed to stitch well.

The one time I change needle types is when I use Metallic thread. For that I use the Schmetz Metallic needles in whatever size seems right. Usually an 80/12 is my standard size, but I’ll go up or down in size depending on what the thread seems to like.

The best thing to do with needles is experiment and play with a variety until you find the right fit for your machine. It’s really down to how your machine works and what it likes best, so pay attention to any changes in stitch quality whenever you change needles.

Now I’m hopping off the computer to finish marking the surface of Duchess Reigns. It’s taken 4 days and 4 pens so far and I’m hoping to finish it up today so I can start quilting tomorrow!

Let’s go quilt,

Leah Day


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

6 Responses

  1. Deb Marshall says:

    Sounds like a plan Leah! KISS!!!

  2. Pat Merkle says:

    I completely understand how question Thursday could become extremely overwhelming. Thank you for keeping it up as long as you did!!!

  3. MC says:

    Question Thursdays have been extremely helpful over the year, thanks so much for all of this work!!
    I've been enjoying the Craftsy class and did get a response very quickly to the question that I asked for the basting video 🙂 Looking forward to working on my BOMs in 2013.

  4. Malini says:

    Hi Leah,
    It totally makes sense. Its nice to be still get connected with your through craftsy. Its a great platform for learning.

    Are you expecting doing more classes with them in the future?

    Thank you for sharing all your wonderful knowledge about quilting throughout this year.

    a.k.a Malini

  5. Alessandra says:

    Oi to dando uma passadinha por aqui para ver como tudo anda
    ficaria muito feliz com sua visita também , bom final de semana
    até mais

  6. Leeann says:

    Have you seen Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville when she does Quilt Cam? She sews and answers comments to her blog, and email live via Ustream. It's great, hundreds of people watch and she can answer heaps of questions. Maybe you could give it a go 🙂

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