Taking a Sick Week

I’m sorry guys, but I’m going to have to take this week off from the Free Motion Quilt Along and Question Thursday.

James brought home a cold on Friday and has been feeling poorly all weekend and now I’ve caught it and trust me, I can’t make a good video, or even stitch in a straight line this week!

So during your week off, please go back through all the quilt along posts, review, restitch, recycle, whatever you need to do to challenge yourself a bit more with Stippling. You should try to get as comfortable with this design as possible because very soon we’ll be stitching it up a notch!

free motion quilting | Leah DayNext week we’re going to tackle this Heart and Feather wholecloth, and along the way we’ll learn about prewashing fabric, quilt marking, travel stitching, microstippling, filling in tight areas, and more!

Now I’d better get back to bed and you’d better go quilt!



Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

32 Responses

  1. Get better! i have been fighting a cough myself and it sucks!! hugs!

  2. You are a good momma taking care of family first, always 🙂 I remember the days with little ones at home and loving the days with the grandchildren. I have been enjoying spending time in the FMQA project, Leah, and growing and learning with you, and from all these ladies 🙂 Looking forward to the next project, and will be practicing what we have learned and already! Thank you Leah, it has been fun. Pray your family is well soon and you all get plenty of rest as they recover.

  3. a1angiem says:

    Hope you feel better soon! Glad it is only a cold…

  4. Evelyn says:

    Take care of yourself and your family. Hope you feel better soon. You are one of the most talented people I have ever seen.
    Evelyn in Richmond, Virginia

  5. AnitaS says:

    I hope you will be soon better. In the meanwhile I will practice.

  6. Karen says:

    Leah — sending healing energy your way !!


  7. Mary says:

    Feel better SOON!

  8. danih03 says:

    Hope you and James get to feeling better! And don't feel bad at all! Maybe this will give me a chance to finally catch up! Besides, you deserve a week off!

  9. Tsigeyusv says:

    Oh dear, you just got over being sick, too. Rest up, take good care of yourself and your family (which you are already doing, rather sensibly, but cutting back on your obligations)and we will all be waiting here when you feel up to writing/teaching/blogging more.

  10. Malini says:

    Hi Leah, hope you feel better soon. Take it easy this week.
    We will try out best on stippling.

    take care!

  11. Take care! See you next week. ~Jeanne

  12. Hope You feel better soon, we want You back! 🙂 The heart and feathers look just great!

  13. MC says:

    Hope you feel better soon! I'll definitely be practising and look forward to the wholecloth project.

  14. Betty Lou says:

    Hope you feel better soon, I will take the week and get caught up with my FMQP. Hugs

  15. Elaine Adair says:

    Oh my – hope your feel better soon.

    I found your video on quilting a larger quilt and I GASPEd at your neck position! Goodness, I'm not a professional anything, but THAT needs correction. I have the same machine, and I had problems looking over the 'hump' of the machine front and so I've dropped my chair down. Of course, that will leave your arms up higher, not the best either.

    But, keep up your good work, please. 8-))

  16. quiltfool says:

    Feel better, Leah. We also got a present from school that I'm having trouble shaking. Achoo! Lane

  17. Hope you got lots of rest today Leah, and you and your family are feeling better soon 🙂
    Excited about the next project you have planned as a challenge for us! Went out today and picked up a bolt of muslin and two rolls of poly batt…
    I would bring you all chicken soup, but you are too many states away 🙁

  18. Toni says:

    Feel better fast! Lots of rest, good healthy food and herbal tea! I'm new to your blog and enjoying it very much. Might actually get up the courage to try free motion, thanks to you! Looking forward to more entries once you're 100 percent again.

  19. Toni says:

    Feel better!

  20. Toni says:

    Wishing you a speedy, speedy recovery. I'm a new follower to your blog. I LOVE IT! So get lots of rest and good, healthy food and herbal tea! And I look forward to seeing what you have to say and do when you're feeling 100 percent.

  21. Jacquelin says:

    Te deseo una rápida y pronta recuperación y esperaremos impaciente tu próxima lección. Un abrazo.

  22. Pat says:

    I hope you feel better soon (take some Umcka – natural cold remedy. it will kick your crud out)

    This break will give me a chance to catch up and be all ready for next week. I can't wait to try the heart and feathers. Yippee, Skippee!

  23. June D says:

    This will give me time to get caught up more – but sorry it's because you aren't feeling great.

    Have a cup of tea and relax!

    June in San Diego

  24. Lee Ann says:

    Praying that you and yours start to feel better real soon. Are you going to have a pdf with a drawing of the heart or do we just wing it and make one up on our own?

  25. sybil says:

    Hope you are getting rest and feeling better soon. The next project looks very interesting. Hopefully I'll have my machine back in time to dive into it next week.

    I do have a couple questions…

    I was watching the video and looking back at your Ikea post. I seriously need to revise my set-up for maximum quiltability. What table do you have your Janome sitting in? It looks like it sits down into a space? (sorry if you covered this and I missed it)

    My next question is how do you do FMQ on a piece that isn't square? I have 3 pieces to quilt – probably will use them as wall hangings – and they are odd shaped. Would I sew scrap fabrics to the edges to even them up prior to quilting and then remove those pieces afterwards?


  26. Anonymous says:

    love love love to you and your family!

  27. SewWhatsNew says:

    Get well soon. Do rest.

  28. Nancy H. says:

    Take good care of yourself and family. We will be here when you get back. Take your time, you deserve a break. Hope you feel better soon.

  29. 0_nonna says:

    Feel better soon Leah. I am a newcomer to the Free Motion Quilting Project and I am trying to get brave enough to stipple a queen size quilt top that has been 'sandwiched' together for several months. I may just go for it this weekend!

  30. 0_nonna says:

    Feel better Leah!

  31. Get well soon! Im looking forward to the next lesson. Take care

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