Day 310 – Flaming Sun

Day 310 – Flaming Sun

We’ve been having a lot of wet, rainy weather here, which is really unusual for August in NC, typically the hottest, driest month of the year here. Let’s see if we can soak up a little sunshine with this Flaming Sun design:

This organic, free flowing texture is much easier to achieve because there are no rules! Make the flames just as big, as long, as short, or as fat as you like and see how this can effect this simple texture.

Difficulty LevelIntermediate. While this design might look tricky, it’s can easily be broken down into simple steps: 1) Stitch a circle and fill it with a spiral. 2) Surround that circle with 5-8 evenly spaced points. 3) Stitch around these points, branching up with a wiggly flame shape. Bounce around the sun, branching out the flames until the sun is the correct size for your quilt.

Design Family – Center Fill. This design is stitched from the center of your quilt to the outside so it will work best in the open, uncomplicated areas of your quilts.

Directional Texture – Center Focused. You really can’t ignore the center focused texture of this design. It acts like a bull’s-eye for your eyes so definitely use it where you want lots of attention!

Suggestions for Use – With autumn just around the corner, let’s think of some simple quilted gifts we can make with this design. Flaming Sun would look wonderful stitched into the center of a Christmas ornament or quilted into the center of a table placemat. You could even use this design on a large scale to finish a gift quilt quickly and easily.

I’m sure there are many more ideas of how to use this design. Make sure to share your ideas in the comments below!


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

1 Response

  1. Anonymous says:

    I like your work, they are beautiful
    have a good day

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