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Should I go to Market?

This little piggie went to market…

this little piggie stayed home…

So I have a question for you today – Should I go to Quilt Market this spring?

Really, I honestly don’t know anything about this. I’ve been an official business only 6 months now, so I can’t go as a vendor / exhibitor, but I could go as a buyer / class taker.

What’s your opinion? Have you gone to market?

Josh is leaning towards waiting. I did end up sending in my NC Quilt Symposium form so I’m definitely going to be attending that the first weekend in June. YAY!

Spring Market starts the 19th of May, so they’re pretty close together. I don’t want to get into a situation where I’m running off all the time, but I would love to experience the enormousness of this quilting industry sometime soon.

Of course, I could always attend the Fall Market in Houston, so it’s not like this is a one-shot deal.

I just really want some personal business advice if you have any to share. Thank you!

Let’s go quilt!

Leah Day


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

14 Responses

  1. Dianne says:

    I love market in Houston in the fall! I'm from Houston, and I attend with my friend who is a business/shop owner. It's so much fun to see the previews, and you really get a great opportuniy to see the show quilts up close and personal! I say anything you can do to get yourself on the "business" side of the quilt industry is awesome! Make up some business cards, pass them out, and have a great time!

  2. Ruth says:

    If you are planning on being a vendor, it is important to visit a market first, so you can see how it works and whether or not it is right for you and your business. The more research you can do ahead of time will help you with your first time selling at a market. I definitely think you should attend a market before you are a vendor.

  3. You absolutely have to go. There's nothing like the Houston Market anywhere. I totally agree with Ruth and Dianne.

  4. sheddy says:

    If you can swing it, you should definitely go. You can make almost as many contacts as a viewer than as a vendor. You'll get a great idea of what's hot and what's not and if there is any void you could fill. I used to own a quilt shop and the time spent at Market was invaluable.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Definitely! Go to one just to look, at the quilts, at the vendors, at the other people looking!
    Go by yourself, or with one person who knows why you need to just take it all in …… once you go as a vendor you will see a totally different side of a show, but knowing what it is like outside the booth is important.
    Judy B

  6. Nikki says:

    I would LOVE to go– so GO!

  7. I'd go to have a look around first, then you can decide after you've seen everything.

  8. Gail says:

    If you're going as a prospective vendor, Spring market is a good way to start off. It'll be a bit smaller than Houston. In Houston you find lots of small businesses and lots of embellishments along with big national companies. I've been to both and while spring is fun, Houston is incredible.

  9. Mishka says:

    Yes, go! I'd love to meet you. Booked my hotel this weekend. You should be able to apply as a designer.

    Email me if you want to discuss further.

    Quilting Gallery

  10. Lisa Walton says:

    Everybody starts somewhere and you would have a wonderful (if scary) time. You have a great fan base now so keep the momentum flowing.

  11. Leah,
    I agree with all the comments. I'm in Texas and attended Houston Quilt Market for the first time this year as a vendor, it was amazing! Just plan a lot of time because it took us two days to get through all the booths. We went to an entire day of mini sessions meant to show various products and new fabrics and while informative we'll most likely skip that this year. I hope to someday attend the Spring market as well to see those fabrics that debut at that time. Good luck!


  12. Peggy says:


    You must go and just take it all in. I went this year for the first time to "Market" at Houston as I have my business license now and was blown away. I live in Houston so have an advantage. Hubby drops me off every morning and picks me up when I call so the cost is a little gas. You are welcome to stay with me. I love your designs and love using themm. Thanks for your dedication.

    Peggy C

  13. You should definitely go! I started attending Quilt Markets a few years ago (I've never been a vendor; I just go to walk the show), and it truly changed the course of my life. You'll make contacts there you can't believe. You know that saying, "You must be present to win"? It's really true in this case.

    I'm going to Spring Market in Minneapolis; let me know if you decide to go… we can meet up!

  14. Katie says:

    I don't know about Market but I'm going to NCQS in Charlotte! I can't wait. And the next year it'll be back in Raleigh. Yay. 🙂

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