James Day in the Snow

A little bit of cuteness helps on a very bad day…

Okay, I know I’ve been asking for loads of help the last couple of days, but this is a huge emergency!

I made a stupid, clumsy, big, giant mistake and dropped my simple drive on the floor.

This simple drive is the hard drive where I keep ALL of my videos, plus backups of everything I write.

At this point, it’s looking like I might have lost ALL of my videos from the beginning of this project, plus everything I’ve edited for the DVD so far.

So if you can, please send up loads of positive energy that the wonderful computer repair wizards will be able to fix the simple drive and get all that information back!!!


Leah Day


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

33 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    ~~~~~~~ these are energy waves…

  2. I'm sending many strong Hawaiian vibes to you right now

  3. Judy Modica says:

    Take courage! You'd be amazed at how clever computer brainiacs are. I trust you will find one who can restore what has been lost. I'm guessing we've all had enough computer emergencies to give us a gentle nudge to back up our back-ups for that "one in a million" chance that something bizarre happens. I'm trusting everything will be restored and you can make haste to bite the bullet and purchase another backup drive that will be your salvation in case of emergency. Thanks for your continual efforts to encourage the community of quilters! Keep us informed!

  4. Cara says:

    Oh dear. I'll be hoping for you. I know how terrifying that can be, I almost lost about 3 years worth of photos a few months ago, thankfully it turned out alright.

  5. tasfibre says:

    positive thoughts from 40 degrees south
    more haste less speed

  6. Julie says:

    ARRRRRRRRRGHHHHHH! OMG! You poor thing! I am thinking very very very positively and have every thing crossed that your computer hero can recover everything for you. xx

  7. OH MY!! Can't imagine!! Wishing you the BEST of luck recovering those things!!

  8. Marilyn W says:

    I work with computers…I'm putting you on my prayer list.

  9. Kim says:

    Well this is enough to nearly cause heart failure! Hope the wizard can make it right again. Everything you've posted is still on the internet where I enjoy each and every post, thank you! The rest I am guessing will be pulled out of that simple drive once the damage is corrected. Hang on! 😀

  10. laura says:

    It will be OK- I have several friends who do retrieval work with computers. There's pretty much no such thing as DELETE for these guys. Prayers and good thoughts follow my belief that it'll be fine.

  11. Danielle says:

    Sounds like a job for CSI. Or maybe Geek Squad! Good vibes & good luck. I wish you had my computer guy wherever you are– for $50 cash, he can do anything.

  12. FML Crochet says:

    Hopefully everything gets recovered. Sending positive vibes your way.

  13. Sarah says:

    I am sorry…It will be OK.. I owned a quilt shop once, I got a call from my husband, he was sounding very stressed, mumbling things like "it's all gone", "bring home whatever files you have", and on and on. I stood there holding on to the phone, looking out at customers and said, "what do you mean it is all gone…bring what backup files home"? I could hear a collective sigh coming from the women outside the door. "Ahhh", one said, "I have been through this", another, "he must of been working on the computer"…Somehow, in one of those computer cleansing moments, my husband had deleted everything. All my quilt shop files. I did not have backup of everything. To my astonishment, he was able to retrieve everything that had disappeared! I am sure you will experience the same sigh of relief! Good luck!

  14. Anya says:

    Computer wizards can work magic! Positive thoughts coming your way!

  15. Katie B. says:

    Oh, goodness. I hope you catch a break!

  16. Sue says:

    I'm sending happy thoughts your way. Good luck.

  17. Beth says:

    Oh my goodness! My heart just sank. And I think I may be a little queasy too. I have prayed, and will pray more every time I think about quilting! Good luck.

  18. kclily says:

    I am sending warm fuzzies your way. If the first wizards can't fix it take it somewhere else and get a second opinion.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Every day I am both amazed and appalled by how much we have become dependent and love, need and hate our computers. If only someone could invent a 'doctor' computer that you could connect your ailing hard drive to and it could internally repair and restore automatically! Or at least retrieve all your cherished files before going to hard drive heaven. May the computer geek gods be with you!

  20. Sam says:

    Hi Leah, if all else fails you should be able to download the ones you cannot retrieve (from the drive) from your blog. It may take a while, but would at least get the files back. Just a thought. I teach IT and I tell my students – 'there are two kinds of people in the world; those who backup and those who haven't been caught yet'. Can I suggest a backup every so often would be a good idea? An external hard drive (1GB) is really cheap these days and is a great way of keeping a spare copy 'just to be sure to be sure'. Sam (Sandra)

  21. Liz says:

    Best wishes to your computer sorting person, they are a blessing and a curse (I mean computers not the people who understand them)Liz

  22. Anonymous says:

    I am sending warm wibes your way. There are companies that specialize in recovering data from computers that have been damaged, either by fire og viruses or other damages. Unless the drive has been overwritten repeatedly with other data, then it should be recoverable.


  23. Betweens says:

    leah…my warm fuzzies are coming your way I hope by this time you have found it!! oh that is frustrating I can feel for you right now!!

  24. Ethne says:

    Leah – you must be ripping your hair out – all my hope and prayers are winging there way to you and your computer wizz

  25. Susan says:

    Positive computer vibes coming your way to make this oops come out just fine. Prayers for you as well – all the blessings you spread to others should be rewarded with equally wonderful blessings.

  26. bingo~bonnie says:

    can't you come here to your blog and resave a lot of the videos that are posted here???

    I am sure your computer guys can pull it off – they can do the impossible it seems! 😉

    Best of luck & Love from Texas! ~bonnie

  27. crowefan0517 says:

    Oh no, that's terrible. You've worked so hard on all your videos. I will wish upon a star that the computer guy really is a wizard & makes everythibg all better.

    debby – chester ny

  28. Anonymous says:

    My positive thoughts: of course it can be fixed, easy peasy, prayers of joyful endings, all your hard work is in good hands, all the smiling goddesses are on your side, etc

  29. Anonymous says:

    What a catastrophe! Good luck.

  30. Renae says:

    Oh no!!

    I am sure the powers that be will have them save and sound waiting for you soon!! If not, we will all have to have a forcable word with them lol!

    Keep up the great work, I stumbled upon your blog a short time ago and am inspired by your work. (Ok, I am yet to get my darning foot out and give your patterns a go, but I am thinking about it.. lol) I think they are great and I am sure they are safe and sound.

  31. Linda says:

    Can you download them from You Tube? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

  32. connie says:

    I hope you are able to retrieve all of your information. Technology is a blessing and a curse.

    Sending many good thoughts!!!

  33. Sandra says:

    So sorry to hear about your loss. Hopefully things will look better soon, and you'll recover quickly from the flu. Best wishes!

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