Quilt Along #14: Stippling Review


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

9 Responses

  1. Dear Leah,
    Thank you so much for your tutorials and detailed explanations.
    I am a Saudi quilter who is still taking small steps and learning free motion quilting with the help of your blog. I get many requests from Arabic speaking women who follow your blog, asking me to translate and explain words and steps of your videos. You are a big help to us, teaching this beautiful art.
    Thank you so much..

  2. Zegi says:

    I noticed in the video that your machingers look delightfully white and mine are getting pretty dingy. I no longer have the packaging and so I thought you might know – how do you clean them? Can they be thrown in the wash? Thanks! Wish I could be doing more than just reading your posts. Hopefully I'm absorbing something just from that 🙂

  3. Isi says:

    Muchisimas gracias por el tiempo que dedicas a enseñarnos las técnicas de acolchado a máquina. Qué fácil parece cuando lo haces tú, y que complicado es cuando lo hago yo, pero supongo que todo es cuestión de práctica. Una pregunta…¿le pones algo a la máquina de coser para que la tela resbale más?, creo haber visto en el video que tu máquina tiene pegado un plástico?

  4. Marlu says:

    Leah, thank you so much for the wonderful tutorials. You are a a great teacher! You inspired me to start machine stippling and I love it. I actually just dived right in with a big quilt and loved the results.

  5. Donna says:

    I have a question, would it matter if you round the corners or scallop the edges? I don't think I have seen anyone do that yet on this project. And, would it cause any issues?
    Donna F

  6. a1angiem says:

    QUESTION: When you fill in an appliqued shape such as this…doesn't it look weird on the BACK of the quilt??? This is what always stumps me…the color of thread and how what you stitch on the front will look on the back. Thank you!

  7. Stella says:

    Thank you so much Leah – I know I can't be the only person to have requested a video with sound, but it definitely felt like a fabulous present just for me! Your machine makes the healthiest, smoothest sound imaginable – I just wish my poor ancient Pfaff could be made to sound so good, but I'll just have to accept it for what it is… As always, the details you pay attention to when giving advice are wonderful to know about!

  8. Jacquelin says:

    Esta semana voy un poco más tarde, he tenido otras cosas entre manos pero ya presenté mi wholecloth terminado. Gracias Leah por tu propuesta y las lecciones que cada semana nos haces llegar.
    ¡A por otro!

  9. June D says:

    Thank you for providing this video so we could hear the sound of the machine. I realize now that I didn't slow down enough when I was trying to reduce the size of my stippling in the wholecloth exercise.

    Thank you for all your guidance!

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