Free Motion Quilting Project Blog


Quilting Designs for Any Weather

It’s been a month of rain and chilly weather. Seriously – can it just warm up and STAY WARM already?...

Walking foot quilting design 0

How to Quilt Jagged Cosmos

I have a terrific walking foot quilting design for you this week! Learn how to quilt Jagged Cosmos both with...

Leah Day minky quilt 2

How Many Quilts Have You Made?!

Today I spent half the day prepping the post for tomorrow because we have a school thing for James in...


New Friends in the Red Barn

It’s springtime which means it’s time for new baby chicks! Josh lets his chickens go broody (sometimes you just can’t...

Leah Day podcast 7

That Quilt is Cheating!

Hello my quilting friend! I’m back this week with another Great Quilting Debate asking a simple question – what is...

mark your quilt 2

Quilt Marking Tips

Super quick post today to let you know about the next step of the Prism Path baby quilt along. Learn...

Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt 0

Messy Hair Kind of Day

Thank you so much for your comments yesterday on the little show hoop quilt. The votes ended up split and...


The Great Quilt Sort

The Great Quilt Sort is in full swing and I’ve managed to organize, fold, and make decisions about most of...

How to quilt concentric Squares 2

How to Quilt Concentric Circles

I have a new walking foot quilting design for you today! Concentric Circles is a design you use when you...