Free Motion Quilting Project Blog

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Let’s Make a Goddess Quilt Together!

It’s Quilt Along time! I’m thrilled to be sharing a new goddess quilt with you this summer and I can’t...

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2 Days to New Quilt Along!

We have a new Quilt Along starting in just 2 days! The Eternal Love Quilt Along is going to be...

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Let’s Quilt Super Spiral!

I have a new quilting tutorial for you today and this is a terrific mash up of walking foot quilting...

lower school graduation 6

End of an Era

Maybe it’s a bit of an exaggeration to call this an Era, but it does feel pretty momentous! My little...

eternal love goddess quilt 2

May Quilty Box Challenge

It’s Quilty Box time! This month’s box arrived and I decided it was time for a challenge, or technically a...


Look at that Hat!

Two weeks ago I shot a podcast introduction wearing my pretty rose flower hat I made for a Kentucky Derby...

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Bright Beautiful Weekend

I hope you’re having a bright and sunny weekend! We took a quick trip to Asheville, NC over the weekend...

Leah Day feathers free motion 1

How to Quilt Windy Feathers

I’m taking a break from walking foot quilting this week to bring you a new free motion quilting tutorial! Learn...