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FMQ Friday – It’s just a QUILT!


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

12 Responses

  1. Pamelyn says:

    My mother always told me that a quilt isn't right unless there is a mistake in it. Whether it's a mistake in your own mind or in someone's view, it is what completes the project! It's what sets our work apart from the work done by an industry machine. So, job well done!

  2. Pat Merkle says:

    Leah, it is a glorious quilt! Sometimes it's the imperfections that make it even more special. Why would you want to strive to be a computer?

  3. Muv says:

    Hello Leah,

    All you have to do is not call it a mistake. It's a visual surprise.


  4. Renee says:

    I just finished a quilt that I hope to show (at least at the state fair), and had similar thoughts! There are lots of mistakes, but my enjoyment for the process needed to be higher than I my stress over the end results and what a judge might think…so most of them are still there.

  5. kutiequilter says:

    I am sure that you have heard that supposedly the Amish put in a "Humility block" in their quilts -a block with a mistake in it. The quilt can not be perfect as only God is perfect. It's a comforting thought when the quilt is all quilted, and you discover that a block is wrong. Just call it The Humility Block and move on! (Besides, who is gonna know it's wrong except you.).

  6. Perfection and mistakes are also a matter of perception. I strive to reach your level of "mistakes." The quilt looks stunning already.

  7. Te está quedando precioso Leah. Realmente impresionante. Un abrazo.

  8. Linda says:

    Ha, does this strike a chord! My week has been all about a rather scary mistake I made in my free-motion quilt, although it was not a stitching mistake. I think I've got a handle on it now, though. Anyway, I'm no quilt judge, but Duchess Reigns is far too stunningly gorgeous for anyone to be picking out an occasional stitch error!

  9. Amy says:

    Leah, I've been toying around with doing a competition quilt, mostly for smaller shows. So I have been looking very closely at pictures of prize winning quilts in some of the magazines. Not all of their circles are perfectly round, there's some inconsistencies, but the overall work is spectacular! Just like yours.

    Like Pamelyn said, it's what sets our work apart from the work done by a computerized quilting machine.

  10. Sooli says:

    We're always our own worst critics, all those hours spent staring at the quilt under the bright lights, inches away from it! Given that the 'mistake' is on a tree I feel compelled to ask, have you ever seen a perfect tree in nature? Full of rough edges, bark hanging off etc, sounds like your 'mistake' is only reflecting nature! Lose the stitch ripper and leave it be I say. Its beautiful.

  11. Roxane Lessa says:

    Leah, this quilt is spectacular-perfect or not! Thanks for your magnificent work and your vulnerability to share yourself in the process. Hugs!

  12. Ruth Ann says:

    I love all your quilts and ideas. So fresh and inspiring!

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