Welcome to the Machine Quilting Block Party 2017!
Are you ready to make a beautiful quilt this year while building amazing skills for quilt piecing, applique, and free motion quilting? It’s time to join the Machine Quilting Block Party!
Click Here to find the pattern for Block #1.

Each month in 2017 we’re going to piece and machine quilt a new quilt block together to create the Flower Festival quilt. On the first day of the month, a new block pattern will be released.
On the first Monday of the month, I’ll share a video tutorial on how to piece the block. Follow along as we piece the block together step-by-step.
On the second Monday of the month, I’ll share another video tutorial on how to machine quilt the block. This year we’re going to learn more about walking foot quilting, free motion quilting, and even ruler foot quilting!
To get us started on the right foot, I’ll be sharing a series of Quilting Basics videos starting today to guide you through all the steps to preparing your fabric, piecing accurately, marking, and basting your blocks. If you’re new to quilting, this series of tutorials will help you get started on the right foot.
But what does the quilt look like?

This is a mystery quilt along, which means you won’t see the finished quilt until December 2017! Each month the blocks will be released and the quilt will slowly be revealed throughout the year.
Are you worried the quilt will be ugly? LOL! I don’t blame you! Here’s the Sunshine Surprise mystery quilt we created last year. As you can see, each block can stand on it’s own, but the finished quilt is bright, cheerful, and beautifully quilted.

Each block in the Machine Quilting Block Party is pieced and quilted separately. This technique is called Quilt-as-You-Go because you’re quilting each block individually. This will make the Flower Festival quilt very easy to create even on the smallest home sewing machines!
Happy New Year Leah! Already binged your beginner playlist this morning when it was too hot to sleep. Hope you have a fabulous 2017.