38. Quilt a House Block with Wiggles and Matrix

Ready to tackle another fun house block? Today we’re free motion quilting wiggles and Matrix over this block to create some really neat effects:

free motion quilting | Leah Day

Unfortunately with this block I had the brilliant idea to “save time” by not marking sections of my block. As you’ll see in the video, this decision ended up COSTING me time having to fiddle with my lines as I filled the house.

Lesson learned: just mark the darn block! There are no short cuts or ways to save time free motion quilting this design that won’t end up taking more time to fiddle with later. See what I mean in this video:

Looking for instructions on piecing the house block or the diagram to mark it? Find both in the Building Blocks Quilt Pattern.

free motion quilting | Leah Day
Click Here to check out the PRINT version
free motion quilting | Leah Day
Click here to check out the DOWNLOAD version

 The only area that you can really get away with no marking is the bottom section of the block filled with Matrix. This design is basically a wiggly grid and no matter how you stitch it, the multiple lines crossing and overlapping hides just about any mistake.

After free motion quilting your block, make sure to come back by and share your experience or ask any questions that come up along the way to the comments section below.

Let’s go quilt,

Leah Day


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

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