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Josh’s Chickens, Part 1


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

6 Responses

  1. Melody Lutz says:

    Awesomeness! Josh- pat yourself on the back for using your resources so successfully! My aunt and uncle owned an alfalfa farm and seeing her chickens was such a great treat. And ohhh the taste of FRESH eggs! Funny how hobbies latch ONTO us-uhhhh like quilting And chickens! Great post.

  2. snowyulia says:

    Interesting story! I have never thought that hens could lay blue or green eggs! Wow!

  3. toniaconner says:

    love the green eggs. What breed chicken lays those?

  4. Josh Day says:

    Tonia, Ameracaunas from the mountains of South America are the blue egg layers. When hybridized, they're called "Easter Eggers" as you get all ranges of blue, green, even a dark olive.

  5. Florence says:

    your imagination is just great,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i remember my first chicken coop, back then, when people ran for election, they would put out large 4 by 8 pieces of plywood,,,,,wish i had a pic of it,,,,,it was sooo colorful, but was nice and sturdy,,,,,,,,,,,,,tks for sharing, and love your love for chickens

  6. This is AWESOME. We have one neighbor who is raising chickens and unfortunately for us, the ivy on her backyard fence is so think now that we can't see the chickens when we drive by. Which is probably a good thing for them! And we used to get 'home grown' eggs, for about two years, from my husband's co-worker, but a fox got in to his chicken coop and that was the end of that. Those eggs were the richest, tastiest we had ever eaten, and he charged less than the grocery. He had mostly brown ones, but there were always at least one blue and one green in the carton. Yummy!

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