Free Motion Quilting Design #14 – Circuit Board
I’m feeling a bit wired with today’s free motion filler design Circuit Board!

Learn more about quilting Circuit Board
Inspiration: Despite the title, circuit boards were really not on my mind when I started quilting this filler. Actually it reminds me more of South American hieroglyphics!
Difficulty Level: Beginner. I mention in the video the importance of drawing this filler to gain muscle memory. If you find yourself struggling to quilt a certain shape or getting a shape to a specific size, draw it! Chances are your brain just isn’t quite wrapped around the design yet, but if you draw it a few times, the quilting will be much easier.
Design Family: Independent.
Directional Texture: No specific direction.
Suggestions for Use: Directionless fillers work the best as background or placed in small tight areas where a lot of movement wouldn’t look good.
This filler would look especially funky in the center of flowers or even leaves. The modern, boxy texture might contrast nicely to organic shapes and smooth lines.
Feel free to use this free motion filler designs in your quilts and Click here to support the project by visiting our online quilt shop.
Let’s go quilt,
Leah Day
Your designs are beautiful, and I'm impressed that you're undertaking to show us a new one daily! I know nothing about quilting, but I'll enjoy seeing what's next, and learn about this craft along the way.
Also, a funny tidbit: I noticed your link in my statcounter page, and when I typed the URL to visit your site, I accidentally wrote "Free Motion Guilting" — and it sent me to a radical Bible study page. I was rather confused as to why a religious site would link to the Daily Asker, though of course everyone is welcome. =)
Then I double checked the URL and came to your great site.
Well, good luck on this endeavor. I look forward to tuning in.
La Roxy – Thanks so much for joining in! I originally heard of your blog on NPR and got hooked back in the spring.
It's so important to ask ourselves questions, even just "will this work as a quilting design?"
Thanks so much for providing a wonderful blog. It really was an inspiration to me and a great place to let off steam with laughter!
All the best,