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Tension Tangles


Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. She's the creator of the Free Motion Quilting Project, a blog filled with thousands of quilting tutorial videos. Leah has written several books including 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs, Explore Walking Foot Quilting with Leah Day, and Mally the Maker and the Queen in the Quilt.

16 Responses

  1. Kathy says:

    I just want to add that batting choice is a big factor in tension issues!! There are many types and qualities of batting. Generally the thicker the loft the better chance you can balance your thread tension and the result….no dots!! If you use cheap thin batting then you will get dots. Batting like Quilters Dream Blend or Cotton Deluxe that produce a beautiful midloft look are great and no dots as the threads lock in the batting. I rarely use the same thread on top and bottom once I understood all the factors that affect tension and can quilt with brown on top and beige in the bobbin no problem….no dots. That just comes with experience and that is the great thing about quilting….always something to learn. Your advise is good for beginners but be open to the next step in your quilting journey…trying two different thread colors. 🙂

  2. LeeleeFL says:

    Hi Leah, Thanks for this-it's always good to get more info on the dreaded tension! I recently read that any tension adjustments should be made while the foot is down? I had not heard that before , so I thought I'd ask. The advice about matching the thread makes me glad-I have been wondering why it would make sense to use bobbin thread instead of the top thread, and this also makes my decision easier.

  3. Debbie says:

    Great information, Leah, thank you for all the reminders! One question about isacord thread….if you are not doing dense quilting, only open or line quilting, is the isacord strong enough for less dense work?

  4. Anonymous says:

    What do you do when you're using variegated thread to quilt with, do you use that on the back also? Or what if a heavier thread is used for quilting, like Sulky 12 wt?

  5. Ann says:

    Thank you so much for this VERY useful and easy-to-understand explanation!

    I am currently experiencing the most annoying issue with my Pfaff Quilt Express, which is exactly 1 year today: the tread keeps on snapping for every 2 inches and I am about to explode… Until now, it has served me well.

    Bobbin washers: check
    Quality thread: check
    Tension: better check now!!

    Thanks again and keep up the good work. IT has inspired me so much!

    Kind regards
    Ann, Denmark

  6. Carrie P. says:

    thanks for those tips.
    I will try the two different colored threads when I practice quilting again to see how things go.

  7. Leah Day says:

    Ann – Check your needle too! If you suddenly start snapping threads, chances are it's a bent needle that's causing the problem.

    Eileen – Sorry, but I HATE variegated threads with a passion. It's just a personal thing, do don't mind me.

    If I was to use them on a quilt, I'd again match the same thread in top and bobbin. T

    his is probably why I hate them so much – there's no way to control the colors and make them stitch the right color in the right place.

    I don't use heavier weight threads because of the amount of traveling my style of quilting requires. You're just going to have to play with it and develop your own way of judging tension with heavy threads.

    Debbie – Isacord polyester thread is used not just for embroidery and quilting, but also to stitch medical scrubs.

    It resists all wear, even after being boiled and treated with chlorine. I think that's strong enough to withstand quilt wear and tear!

    Kathy – Very true about batting. I pretty much stick with Quilters Dream poly and cotton, but still see the dots occasionally.

    I think this is one issue that's different for every quilter, and some people may also not be as picky as I am when it comes to the little dot monsters.

    My type A personality just can't handle it, so I always match thread! It's been the easiest way to resolve an issue that used to make me go crazy.

    Keep in mind ALWAYS that these are my opinions, but my opinions are always changing as my style and quilting develops.

    Let's go quilt!


  8. Anonymous says:

    PS I hate variegated threads too, but they make interesting tassels.
    Judy B

  9. Anonymous says:

    I learned to use matching thread when I learned to sew, and have never thought of using different threads. If you want to use different weight threads use the same colour at least. And adjust the tension!
    Hope you don't mind that I have added a link to this post to my Links to Lessons page to spread the word.
    Thank you.
    Judy B

  10. WendyB says:

    Between thread tension and fabric tension, I'm feeling a little tension! Then I remember that testing and practice take less time in the long run than just "going for it" on my project.

    Happy Holidays,
    WendyB @ That Seams Fun

  11. Sue says:

    Thanks so much for this information on tension adjustments Leah. I have two questions though . . .
    First, I have been a quilter for fifteen years and always heard not to use polyester thread on my cotten quilts. (Something about it being stronger and would eventually cut through my fabric or some such thing.) I would actually love the option to use the Isacord thread. My quilts are almost all utility quilts, moderatley quilted, that are used and washed on a regular basis. Is this still in your opinion a good thread choice for me?
    And second do you have any bobbin tension adjustmant advice for those of us with drop in bobbins?

    Thanks Leah – you are a treasure trove of knowledge and a sweetie to share it so generously with us.

  12. Leah Day says:

    Hi Sue – Yep, I've heard this wild rumor as well that polyester thread will shred through the delicate cotton of our quilt tops and backs.

    While this may be true of Cotton covered polyester threads (bleh!), it's not true of Isacord.

    Like I said before, it's used in sewing medical scrubs and other industrial uses. If it can withstand this type of wear and tear, I'm sure it can survive on a bed quilt.

    But don't take my word for it! If you're skeptical, try it out on a baby quilt and wash every other week for a year.

    At the end of the year, if the threads are not wearing as well as you would like, stop using it.

    It's always good to go with your gut and personal experience. I share what works for me, but it may not work for you!

    Always try it yourself.

    Leah Day

  13. Corrie says:

    cool thanks for that! I must say I'm using a brother at the moment with auto tension and that's fine for sewing and working well but once I start quilting the auto tension goes out the window!

    very helpful info!

  14. Stef says:

    Hey! Thanks for sharing the info! I, too, took years to give up buying cheap thread. I've had success with the big cones of Gutermann 100$ cotton thread. It's fairly lightweight.
    I had to share your post here:


  15. Fabric Mom says:

    Great article, thanks for sharing. Love your site. I posted a link on my site for others to find this article and you. You are an inspiration to those of us who have been afraid to venture out of the box with free motion quilting.

  16. Gmama Jane says:

    You may not even be getting theses posts since they are over 2-3 yrs. old. I just discovered your posts/website. So informative to a new machine quilter. Thanks
    Gmama jane

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