That is One Clean Wood Shop!
I finally finished my cabinet for the wood shop this weekend and I cleaned up the shop to celebrate!
It’s the cabinet under the window I’ve been working on for the past few weeks. It was originally a lightbox my Grandpa made, then I turned it into a light table for a few years. Recently I realized I didn’t need such a big lightbox anymore and moved it out to the barn where I realized it would make a pretty cool tool cabinet.
It ended up holding far more tools than I expected, but I clearly still have lots of junky stuff taking up space in this barn. I really need to build a solid wood table top and I want sturdy pull out drawers to go underneath. Those wire IKEA drawers may work for fabric, but they’re just not sturdy enough for this shop.
Now that my space is clean, what will I make a mess with next? I already have two pen blanks prepped up to create a new seam ripper and a cute twist pen!
Unfortunately my lathe belt just bit the dust this week so I can’t turn anything until I get that repaired. I guess I’ll just have to make a mess with something else in the meantime!
Let’s go quilt,
Leah Day