Etsy Success with Deborah Fisher, Podcast Episode 30
You can also watch the episode with a live introduction with me here:

Click Here to find Deborah’s Etsy shop. Does her shop look empty? It’s because every time she adds new products they sell out in a few minutes! Make sure to check her sold items to see the beautiful ceramic pincushions she sells.
Deborah began selling on Etsy last fall, but her store didn’t take off until Quilt Con in Savannah, GA. That’s where I met Deborah and fell in love with her work. I’m still needing to add a thread pooping unicorn to my collection!

Here’s the thread pooping unicorn which fits a big spool of Aurifil thread:

I’m still trying to get one of these! The last time Deborah put up more ceramics everything sold out in less than five minutes. That’s both a good and bad problem to have and in the interview we talk about how Deborah has been trying to offer her products in the most fair way possible.
Deborah is also a quilter and sews the pincushions that come in most of the ceramics. She has published two books on quilting (Affiliate): Sew Fun: 20 Projects for the Whole Family and Quilt Giving: 19 Simple Patterns to Make and Give.
What I took from talking with Deborah is the importance of setting boundaries with your work. She creates 20 – 25 ceramics and schedules them to go up in her shop on a different day and time each month. She is trying her best to be fair to potential customers all over the world, but internet speeds fluctuate and as I’ve learned – you have to be really fast on the trigger!
She isn’t offering the ceramics on commission and doesn’t take special orders because of the complication it would add to her business. She also is only planning to attend two quilt shows a year because she has to create such a big volume of pieces at once.
I found chatting with Deborah fascinating and I hope she continues to succeed with her unique ceramic pincushion creatures! Click Here to check out her shop.
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We have a quilt shop filled with tools and supplies, books, and online quilting workshops to help you master quilting on your home machine.
Would you like a beginner quilt pattern to get started quilting? Check out Building Blocks, a beginner sampler quilt with 42 blocks and unique quilting designs for you to mark and quilt on your home machine. Click Here to check out the Building Blocks Quilt Pattern.
Now for a few updates from around the house…
During the introduction I was working on my Express Your Love embroidery design. I started this in 2013, but I got bogged down in the orange hair section because I didn’t like my thread choices.
Well now I’m speeding through it because I use the time James and I watch a show together to stitch on this design. Just a bit of time every day and I can honestly say this project will be done by Thanksgiving!

My 14 year old daughter loves Supergirl. She is counting down till season 3 starts in the US and is hoping fox airs it here in Australia not long after the US.
Leah your goddess quilt is beautiful!! You do amazing work