Quilty Box! Color Wheel Quilt Blocks

I’ve made many Dresden Plates over the last few weeks, but this is the first plate I cut into a circle to create a wheel block. It’s not hard, but I do recommend having a good circle cutter to make it easier. I like the True Cut 360 as you can select circle sizes up to 12 1/2 inches and cut them really accurately.
Now learn how to make this pretty Color Wheel Quilt Block in this new quilting tutorial:
Click Here to find this free quilt pattern.
To make this block, you will need the Dresden Plate Template Set because we use Templates #3 and #7 to quickly and easily cut the shapes for the color wheel. You’ll also need some fusible web and my favorite is Lite Steam a Seam 2 because it’s lightweight and fuses to fabric easily.
I decided to make my Color Wheel Dresden Plates fusible because I’m interested in learning more about fusible applique and I’m trying to play with it at any opportunity. You could also turn the circle edges by making a turning template instead. Click Here to watch another video on using a turning template.
Once you fuse your Color Wheel onto your background fabric, you should stitch it down along the edges to secure it completely. I like to use a blanket stitch because it’s fast, easy to line up with the edges of the fused fabric, and doesn’t show up much from a distance.
Now that our Color Wheel Quilt Block is created, how will we quilt it? My favorite way to quilt blocks like this is to stitch straight lines radiating out from the Color Wheel and fill each segment with a different color of thread and a different design.
Would you like to see more videos on quilting this block with many designs? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll make more videos for this series!
Let’s go quilt,
Leah Day
Great project! We've done this in design class. Thanks for the video and directions!
I so love your video’s. Thank you for them.
Linda Baker
Pisgah, AL
Thank you Linda!