14. Piece a Modern Building Block

This Building Block is a modern take on the four patch block we learned back in January. This time we won’t be matching seams as the four pieces, which makes this block a little quicker and easier to piece.
You might have noticed in the Building Blocks Quilt Pattern that you’ve been asked to cut 4 pieces, but we only need 3 blocks for the quilting designs this month.
Technically this was a typo in the pattern – you only really need to cut 3 of each piece, but if you’ve already cut the 4th, go on ahead and piece up the 4th block and use it for practice.
Why? Well, this month we’re going to be playing with scale and learning how to quilt designs BIG, medium, small and tiny, and you might just like a little extra practice with one of these designs, or another quilting design you’ve been wanting to learn.
So it’s up to you what to do with that extra block, whether to piece it and add a little extra practice this month or skip it and just make the 3 blocks required for the quilt. It’s totally up to you!
Now let’s watch the video to see how this quick block is pieced:
I don’t know about you, but I love piecing blocks that are simple and quick like this Building Block! No matching seams means the block comes together quickly with no tricky spots that you need to pin.
Just in case you haven’t joined in the fun of this Building Blocks Quilt Along, you can still join anytime by picking up a copy of the Building Blocks Quilt Pattern!
Through this month we will learn how to quilt Stippling, Gridlines, and Circuit Board so definitely join in if you’re wanting to learn loads about piecing and free motion quilting this year!
Let’s go quilt,
Leah Day