Day 94 – Flower Ball
It’s not a fire ball, it’s a Flower Ball!

Great news on the kitchen remodel! Things are moving quickly, the dishwasher should be put in tomorrow and by next week, I’ll hopefully have the new cabinets installed. YAY!
Josh and I are still cooking Thanksgiving, but a very trimmed down version. Who needs sweet potato casserole and green bean salad anyway?
Inspiration – I’ve said before that I’m not much for flowery type things. I wasn’t the kind of kid that dressed in pink, no sirree.
But lately I’ve been looking at Chinese and Indonesian floral designs in a new light. I’m not going for a realistic flower design, but more of a sibilance of the design, almost like a cartoon version.
Design Family – Center Fill. You start from the center of your quilting space and work your way out with this design. It’s pretty free form, so you can put it in the open, uncomplicated areas of your quilt and it will work just fine.
Difficulty Level – Intermediate. The shapes of this design are not terribly difficult, and the design really hides your mistakes well. That’s always a nice bonus!
Directional Texture – Center Focused. This design is interesting in that the center is stitched quite densely, but the outer petals are not. If you wanted a more consistent look, you could also stitch the 2-3 lines within each petal.
This might be more time consuming, but it would also create a denser texture over your quilt.
Suggestions for Use – This design stands so well on its own, I really see using it over 4″ squares or circles in a simple red and black quilt.
You could also use this as a special touch within the sashing cornerstones of a quilt. Really the possibilities are endless!
let’s go quilt,
Leah Day
I could also see using the center design as part of a bigger meandering design over a bed quilt. It's a nice shape and if done that way, it wouldn't get too stiff. Thanks!
HI Day
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